Top 10 New jQuery Plugins In April 2014

by jQuery Script,

Simple jQuery Plugin For Background Parallax Scrolling Effect - Fallings

Fallings is a new, lightweight jQuery parallax effect plugin used to parallax position-absolute background images as you scroll down/up the web page.

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery & CSS3 Sliding Menu Using Navigation Drawer - Drawer

Drawer is a jQuery plugin for creating a responsive, touch-enabled and animated side menu that slides out from the edge of the screen when clicking or touching the trigger.

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Plugin For Animated Hexagon Background - Hex

Hex is a JQuery plugin that enables you apply a fancy Hexagon Animation effect on an DOM element's background.

[Demo] [Download]

Lightweight Responsive Content Slider Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - lightslider

lightslider is a lightweight yet fully customizable jQuery slider plugin that supports any Html contents and makes use of CSS3 transitions and transforms to create smooth 'fade' or 'slide' effects.

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery & CSS3 Carousel Plugin with Content Flipping Effects - Flip Carousel

Flip Carousel is a responsive jQuery carousel plugin that has the ability to flip carousel content like a card using CSS3 transitions, transforms, and perspectives.

[Demo] [Download]

Animated jQuery Sidebar Drawer Menu Plugin - Stripes

Stripes is a jQuery based animated drawer navigation plugin that dynamically loads multi-level data from JSON data files.

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Plugins For Simple Image Gallery with Magnifying Glass Effect

Make use of jQuery simpleGallery and jQuery simpleLens plugins to create an image gallery with a 'magnifying glass' image zoom effect.

[Demo] [Download]

Simple jQuery Carousel Plugin With 3D Rotating Effects - Carousel 3D

Carousel3d is a jQuery & jQuery UI carousel plugin that makes use of CSS3 transforms and perspectives to cycle through a set of Html elements with an amazing 3D rotating effect.

[Demo] [Download]

Interactive Parallax Background Image with jQuery and CSS3 - Interactive BG

A simple and fast interactive background image parallax effect that moves in response to the mouse, built with jQuery and CSS3 transitions & transforms.

[Demo] [Download]

Responsive, Touch-enabled and Fullscreen Image Slider Plugin - slideLp

slideLp is a full-featured jQuery image carousel/slider plugin that is responsive and touch-friendly and comes with lots of optional settings for customization.

[Demo] [Download]