Feature Walkthrough Plugin For jQuery and YUI - introtour-ui

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License: MIT
Feature Walkthrough Plugin For jQuery and YUI - introtour-ui

introtour-ui is a javascript plugin which can be used with jQuery or YUI that easily and quickly adds a step by step walkthrough of features on your page.

Basic Usage (jQuery):

1. Inclucde the necessary CSS files to style your plugin

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/yui3-cssbuttons.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/gallery-introtour-ui.css">

2. Markup

<div id="hello1">jQueryScript.Net</div>
<div id="hello2">jQuery Plugins</div>
<div id="hello3">jQuery Plugin Tutorials</div>
<div id="hello4">jQuery.COM</div>

3. Include necessary javascript files on your page

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script> 
<script src="jquery/gallery-introtour-ui-jq.js"></script> 

4. Initialize the plugin

<script type="text/javascript">
var tour_cards = [{'title':'Welcome','position':'pagecenter','content':'Welcome to this feature tour'},
                {'title':'Get Started','content':'This tells you what to do to get started.','divfocus':'hello1','position':'right','width':'100'},
                {'title':'Go here next','content':'Next, you should probably try this out.','divfocus':'hello2','position':'top','height':'125'},
                {'title':'Try this!','content':'This helps you get more information.','divfocus':'hello3','position':'bottom','height':'50'},
                {'title':'Important!','content':'Finally click here to save changes.','divfocus':'hello4','position':'left','width':'50'},
                {'title':'That\'s it! You\'re good to go!','position':'pagecenter'}];

More example:

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by unknown. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.