Lazy Loading and Multi-serving Image Plugin with jQuery - lazyResp

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License: MIT
Lazy Loading and Multi-serving Image Plugin with jQuery - lazyResp

lazyResp is a jQuery plugin designed for responsive web layout that deals with responsive image delivery depending on screen width, with Retina and image lazy load support.

How to use it:

1. Load jQuery library and the jQuery lazyResp plugin in the document.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.lazyresp.min.js"></script>

2. Insert an image into your document and use data-* attributes to specify the image sources for different screen widths.

<img src="480x360.jpg" height="250" width="250" class="lazyResp"

3. Call the plugin on the image. The plugin will automatically swap out the src of the image depending on screen widths (breakpoints) defined in the plugin settings.

$(window).load( function() { 
    medium: 640,
    large: 1024,
    retina: 1.01,
    tolerance: 0,
    lazy: true,
    beforeLoad: function (img, preloaded) {},
    afterLoad: function (img, preloaded) {}

Change logs:


  • Added a new call to getRightImageSize when the plugin is called more than once on the same element and lazyload set to false
  • Added a new call to both beforeLoad and afterLoad with a custom preloaded attr when the image has already been loaded


  • multiple fix

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by micc83. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.