jQuery Social Media Plugins
Download Free jQuery #Social Share, #Social Button, and other social media related plugins at our jQuery Social Media Section. Page 10 .
Popular Social Networks: #Facebook, #Twitter, #Google Plus, #Pinterest, #Instagram.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Your Google Calendar Events - myEvents
- Social Media - 7345 ViewsmyEvents is a simple jQuery plugin for creating a neat business events widget on your website. This widget will fetch and display your google calendar events using Google API key and calendar ID.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Tumblr Blog Posts - Tumbax
- Social Media - 1239 ViewsTumbax is a simple jQuery plugin for displaying posts, feeds, news or simple notifications from any tumblr blog, using tumblr application API Key.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Tumblr Blog Feeds - Tumbo
- Social Media - 1009 ViewsTumbo is a simple jQuery plugin that displays a customizable tumblr blog widget on your website.
jQuery Plugin For Showing Picasa/Google Plus Albums and Images - Pimax
- Social Media - 2697 ViewsPimax displays a photo gallery from your Picasa/Google+ albums. The Public albums are pulled from your account and dsiplayed on your website.
Simple jQuery Plugin for Displaying Recent Tweets - jtwt.js
- Social Media - 4643 Viewsjtwt.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you using twitter json API to display anyone's recent tweets on your web page or elsewhere.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Multiple Social Feeds On One Page
- Social Media - 5252 ViewsA simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that displays and combines multiple popular social media feeds from a given user on your web page.
Simple Popup Social Media Sharing Plugin with jQuery
- Social Media - 4223 ViewsA very simple jQuery social plugin that allows you to create social media sharing dialogs (facebook, twitter, google plus, etc ) in a popup window.
Fetch and Display Lastfm Recent Tracks Plugin for jQuery - lastfm
- Social Media - 635 Viewslastfm is a jQuery plugin that allows you to fetch recent tracks from any Lastfm user and then display the track list on your web page.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying YouTube Video Feed - Yunero
- Social Media - 3806 ViewsYunero is a jQuery plugin that creates a widget on your website to display a video feed for YouTube channel uploads or custom playlist with subscription box.
Facebook Fan Page Feed Widget with Likes - Facio
- Social Media - 3012 ViewsFacio is a jQuery Plugin that allows you to create a Facebook Fan page feed widget with Likes.
Powerful and Elegant Social jQuery Plugin - Koottam
- Social Media - 1699 ViewsKoottam is a simple, Powerful and Elegant Social jQuery Plugin that makes it easy to add social media likes, buttons, and counts on your webpages with 7+ themes and 10+ options.
Facebook-like Twitter Follower Box
- Social Media - 2277 ViewsToday we're going to create a Facebook-like Twitter Follower Box using jQuery. Facebook Like box is very popular, however, by default Twitter doesn't provide such plugin. But this can be done using this plugin.
jQuery Plugin for Displaying Recent Tweets - tweed
- Social Media - 2902 Viewstweed is a simple jQuery Plugin that allows you to display a simple feed of recent tweets on your pages.
Floating Social Share Plugin - floatShare
- Social Media - 3034 ViewsfloatShare is a jQuery plugin which allows you to add Floating Social Share Area on your webpages.