Free jQuery pinterest Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'pinterest' are listed here.
Small Responsive Masonry Grid In jQuery
- Layout - 10238 ViewsMasonry Grid is a tiny and responsive jQuery grid layout plugin that places elements of varying heights in a column-based fluid grid as you've seen on
Pinterest Style Dynamic Layout jQuery Plugin - Masonry
- Layout - 12071 ViewsMasonry is a Pinterest Style Dynamic Layout jQuery Plugin. Whereas floating arranges elements horizontally then vertically, Masonry arranges elements vertically, positioning each element in the next open spot in the grid.
Pinterest-Like Dynamic Grid Layout In JavaScript - Wookmark
- Layout - 37328 ViewsWookmark is a jQuery Plugin that lays out a series of elements in a dynamic column grid.
Tiny Masonry Grid Layout Plugin In JavaScript - Colcade.js
- Layout - 2954 ViewsColcade.js is the minimal version of the famous Masonry plugin that helps developers generate responsive, fluid, blazing fast grid layout in jQuery or Vanilla JavaScript.
Lightweight jQuery Pinterest-Like Fluid Grid Layout Plugin - Babylon Grid
- Layout - 8014 ViewsBabylon Grid is a lightweight and customizable jQuery plugin to create the Pinterest-like responsive fluid grid layout for your website.
Pinterest Like Masonry Grid For jQuery - columnsToJs
- Layout - 3859 ViewscolumnsToJs is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to create responsive, Masonry-like cascading grid layout for block elements. Inspired by
Minimal Masonry Like Layout Plugin With jQuery - Stratum.js
- Layout - 2603 ViewsStratum.js is a really small jQuery plugin to create a configurable, fluid, cascading grid layout inspired by Masonry and
SocialCount - Mobile Friendly Social Networking Widgets
- Social Media - 1859 ViewsSocialCount is a lightweight (2.93KB After Min+GZip) jQuery Plugin for progressively enhanced, lazy loaded, mobile friendly social networking widgets. It supports Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus.
Pinterest Inspired Layout With Image Lazy Load - jQuery dnWaterfall
- Layout - 4901 ViewsdnWaterfall is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create responsive, fluid, cross-platform grid layout inspired by
Pinterest Style Responsive Web Layout Plugin For jQuery - newWaterfall.js
- Layout - 14839 ViewsnewWaterfall.js is a tiny fast jQuery plugin that creates a responsive, fluid, Pinterest-style waterfall grid layout to present your web content in an unique manner.
Tiny Pinterest Like Image Grid Layout Plugin - Mosaic Flow
- Layout - 10343 ViewsMosaic Flow is a super tiny and easy-to-use jQuery layout plugin that allows you to simply and quickly create responsive like image grid layout.
jQuery Plugin To Show Photo Streams Form Social Networks
- Social Media - 7509 ViewsSocial Photo Stream is a jQuery plugin which allows you to show photo stream feeds from the most popular social networks including deviantArt, Instagram, Picasa, Pinterest, Flickr, Dribbble, Youtube and FeedBurner.
Pinterest Like Responsive Dynamic Grid Layout Plugin - Pinto
- Layout - 14808 ViewsPinto is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to dynamically arrange your images in a Pinterest-like responsive, fluid grid layout.
Responsive Masonry-style Gallery Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap - mp-mansory.js
- Layout - 27205 Viewsmp-mansory.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin used for creating a responsive, fluid, Masonry- and Pinterest-style grid layout / gallery using Bootstrap's grid system.
Minimalist Masonry-style Grid Layout Plugin - Masonry.js
- Layout - 11233 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin that makes it easier to create responsive, fluid/elastic grid layout like the famous Masonry or Pinterest layouts.
jQuery Plugin To Display Pinterest Pins On The Website - pGallery
- Social Media - 3982 ViewspGallery is a super tiny jQuery plugin that retrieves and displays the latest pins of a specified Pinterest board as a photo gallery on your webpage.
Yet Another Pinterest Like Layout Plugin For jQuery - waterfall
- Layout - 18681 Viewswaterfall is a powerful and pretty jQuery plugin for creating dynamic and responsive Pinterest like layout which supports infinite ajax scroll.
Lightweight Responsive Pinterest Layout with jQuery - Waterfall
- Layout - 13359 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin which makes it simple to create a dynamic, fluid, fully responsive waterfall grid layout with support for infinite scroll.
Pinterest-like Responsive Grid System with jQuery - jaliswall
- Layout - 9692 ViewsA jQuery implementation of the familiar Pinterest-like responsive, fluid grid system that dynamically adjusts the number of columns according to the width set in the CSS.
Pinterest-like Fluid Layout with Infinite Scroll - jQuery Waterfall
- Layout - 7648 ViewsA jQuery approach to creating a inspired, responsive, dynamic, fluid grid layout with support for infinite scrolling.
Masonry-style Fluid Image Grid Plugin For jQuery - fluid
- Layout - 5096 Viewsfluid is a simplest jQuery layout plugin that lest you create a Masonry style responsive, fluid image grid layout as you seen on
jQuery Plugin To Add Pinterest Pin It Button Over Images - imgPin
- Social Media - 3878 ViewsimgPin is a lightweight jQuery plugin for revealing custom Pinterest Pin It Buttons over images on mouse hover.
jQuery Plugin To Add Custom Pin It Buttons To Images - PinMe.js
- Social Media - 2252 ViewsPinMe.js is a jQuery plugin for creating custom floating 'Pin It' buttons/links to share your pages/images on
Create A Pinterest-Like Dynamic Grid Using jQuery Gridify Plugin
- Layout - 7856 ViewsGridify is a minimal jQuery/YUI plugin used to create a Pinterest-like flexible and dynamic grid out with support of CSS3 animations and image loaded event.
Dynaimc Pinterest-Style Grid Layout with Endless Scrolling - jq-waterfall
- Layout - 7856 ViewsJust another Pinterest inspired responsive, fluid, dynamic grid layout plugin for arranging images in straight rows, with support of infinite scrolling via Ajax callbacks.
Intuitive Draggable Layout Plugin For jQuery - Gridster
- Layout - 12550 ViewsGridster is a jQuery Layout Plugin for building intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns. You can even dynamically add and remove elements from the grid. It is on par with sliced bread, or possibly better.
Simple jQuery Plugin To Create Pinterest Style Grid Layout - Pinterest Grid
- Layout - 57050 ViewsYet another small jQuery plugin to create famous Pinterest-like responsive & fluid web grid for your website layout. Worked with Bootstrap 3 framework.
One-Click Social Button Plugin - ClassySocial
- Social Media - 6982 ViewsClassySocial is a jQuery social media plugin that make it easy to let your site visitors easily see what networks you belong to and visit them in a click of a button.
Super Simple jQuery Pinterest-Style Grid Layout - Boxify.js
- Layout - 32170 ViewsBoxify.js is a super lightweight (~1kb minified) and easy jQuery plugin to implement a pinterest-style fluid grid layout on your website.
Fluid & Ajax-enabled jQuery Pinterest Style Grid Layout
- Layout - 4622 ViewsJust another fluid, responsive and ajax-enabled pinterest-like grid layout built on top of jQuery javascript library and CSS3.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Social Network Feeds - beyondsocial.js
- Social Media - 4060 ViewsBeyond Social is a Jquery plugin to display social network feeds on your webpage.
jQuery Plugin For Revealing Social Sharing Links - hideshare
- Social Media - 3660 Viewshideshare is a small jQuery social plugin that allows you to reveal hidden social medial share links on clicking.
Social Feed Plugin with jQuery - SOCIALIST
- Social Media - 13397 ViewsSOCIALIST is a flexable jQuery Social Media Plugin that enables you to creates a social stream (or social "wall") using AJAX from multiple social media feeds in one place.
Super Tiny Pinterest Dynamic Grid Layout Plugin with jQuery - Pubu
- Layout - 5311 ViewsPubu is a super simple and fast jQuery plugin for quickly creating a popular dynamic grid layout led by
Simple Pinterest Like Grid Layout Plugin - Pinbox
- Layout - 5966 ViewsPinbox is a simple and fast jQuery plugin that allows you to quickly create a dynamic grid layout similar to pinterest waterfall flow view display format.
Pinterest Like Glowing Input Fields with CSS3
- CSS3 & Html5 - 3133 ViewsIn this tutorial, we will create a Pinterest Like login form that adds a glowing effect to the boder of input field on focus.
Pinterest-Like Dynamic & Responsive Grid Layout Plugin - BlocksIt
- Layout - 15469 ViewsYet another Pinterest-Like Dynamic Grid Layout Plugin. BlocksIt manages to convert HTML elements into block areas and position them in well-arranged grid layout like pinterest. It is resonsive and compatible with all major Browsers.
Fluid Asymmetrical Animated Grid Plugin - flex
- Layout - 2739 ViewsjQuery.flex is a pinterest like layout plugin built with jQuery that allows you to create a Fluid Asymmetrical Animated Grid Layout.
Pinterest-Like Web Layout Plugin For jQuery
- Layout - 4228 ViewsA Pinterest-Like Web Layout Plugin with jQuery that allows you to create own photo website in the style of Pinterest-Like.