Free jQuery facebook Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'facebook' are listed here.
Facebook-like jQuery Tooltip Plugin - Tipsy
- Tooltip - 3121 ViewsA simple jQuery Tooltip plugin for creating beautiful Facebook-Like tooltips based on element's title attribute.
SocialCount - Mobile Friendly Social Networking Widgets
- Social Media - 1857 ViewsSocialCount is a lightweight (2.93KB After Min+GZip) jQuery Plugin for progressively enhanced, lazy loaded, mobile friendly social networking widgets. It supports Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Social Network Feed - Social Feed
- Social Media - 22510 ViewsSocial Feed is a simple jQuery plugin that allows to retrieve and display status, posts, images from different social networks.
jQuery Plugin To Display Facebook Fan Page Albums - fbfpalbums.js
- Social Media - 3949 Viewsfbfpalbums.js is a very small jQuery plugin for fetching and displaying Facebook fan page albums and photos via AJAX.
jQuery Plugin To Display The Activity of Your Facebook Pages or Groups
- Social Media - 10028 ViewsiBacor Facebook Streaming is jQuery plugin to display your Facebook pages' or groups' steams (posts, photos, comments, likes) on your website.
Facebook Photo Gallery Plugin With jQuery - fbGallery
- Social Media - 4655 ViewsfbGallery is a jQuery plugin for Facebook API that fetches public photos from any Facebook Page and displays them in a beautiful grid gallery with image lightbox integrated.
Simple and Clean Social Share Plugin with jQuery - sharebox
- Social Media - 6142 ViewsSharebox is a simple jQuery plugin for creating a clean social share box on your web page that contains share buttons to popular social networking sites.
jQuery Plugin To Customize Social Share Buttons and Counters - SocialShare
- Social Media - 10579 ViewsSocialShare is a jQuery plugin to replace the default social share buttons & counters with your own styles.
Facebook-like jQuery Scrollbar Plugin - slimScroll
- Text - 33128 ViewsslimScroll is a simple and lightweight jQuery plugin for transforming any div into a scrollable area with a nice Facebook-Like scrollbar.
jQuery Plugin To Display Facebook Albums and Photos On Your Website
- Gallery - 34086 ViewsFacebook Album Browser is a jQuery plugin that retrieves albums and photos from any Facebook account and displays them as a photo gallery on your website.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Facebook Like Button - Fancylike
- Social Media - 30415 ViewsFancylike is a tiny jQuery plugin that allows you to create a custom facebook like button using your own image.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Complete Facebook Fanpage Data - Famax
- Social Media - 4436 ViewsFamax is a lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to create a customizable and responsive facebook fanpage widget on your website.
jQuery Plugin For Facebook Friend Autocomplete Suggestion Box
- Social Media - 7229 ViewsA jQuery Facebook Friend Autocomplete plugin that provides a facebook-like friend suggestion box while a currently facebook logged in user types into the input field.
jQuery Plugin To Display Facebook Fan Page Activity Feed - FB Wall
- Social Media - 7837 ViewsFB Wall is a lightweight jQuery plugin that embeds a custom activity feed (e.g. posts, photos, events) from any Facebook fan page into your web page.
Highly Configurable jQuery Social Share Plugin - Sharrre
- Social Media - 6786 ViewsjQuery Sharrre is a jQuery Social Plugin that allows you to create a highly configurable and personalizable social media share widget sharing for most major social networks.
jQuery Plugin To Get Likes, Comments and Tweets From An URL - Social Stats
- Social Media - 3524 ViewsSocial stats is a tiny social media plugin used to get Facebook likes, comments and Twitter tweets from a given URL and display them as plain text on your web page.
jQuery Plugin To Create A Customizable Facebook Badge - FaceBadge
- Social Media - 2355 ViewsFaceBadge is a very simple jQuery plugin that allows you to create a customizable Facebook badge on the web page to promote your Facebook page.
One-Click Social Button Plugin - ClassySocial
- Social Media - 6973 ViewsClassySocial is a jQuery social media plugin that make it easy to let your site visitors easily see what networks you belong to and visit them in a click of a button.
jQuery Plugin To Display Photos From Your Facebook Album - Facebook Photos
- Social Media - 17866 ViewsFacebook Photos is a simple jQuery plugin that fetches photos from any facebook user's album and displays them in your website as a photo widget. No access token required.
Easy jQuery Plugin For Popup Social Buttons - Share Button
- Social Media - 30581 ViewsShare Button is a simple jQuery plugin for creating a customizable share button that will popup a social share panel when clicking.
jQuery Plugin To Display Latest Facebook Updates - Facebook Wall
- Social Media - 7990 ViewsAn easy jQuery plugin for creating a 'Facebook Wall' widget on your website to display the latest updates (news feed) from your fan page or profile.
Minimal jQuery Plugin For Social Share Buttons - Sharer
- Social Media - 11342 Viewssharer is a super simple jQuery plugin that allows you to create flat social buttons sharing for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google plus, Reddit, Pinterest, StumbleUpon and Taringa.
Lightweight and Skinnable jQuery Tooltip Plugin - Tips
- Tooltip - 1783 ViewsTips is a simple and easy to skin jQuery tooltip plugin that extracts tooltip text from 'title' or 'data-tip' attribute.
jQuery Plugin For Shareable Web Content - Contentshare.js
- Social Media - 1886 ViewsContentshare.js is a lightweight plugin for jQuery which enables to turn selected content of your webpage into shareable text.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Social Network Feeds - beyondsocial.js
- Social Media - 4053 ViewsBeyond Social is a Jquery plugin to display social network feeds on your webpage.
jQuery Plugin For Revealing Social Sharing Links - hideshare
- Social Media - 3657 Viewshideshare is a small jQuery social plugin that allows you to reveal hidden social medial share links on clicking.
Social Feed Plugin with jQuery - SOCIALIST
- Social Media - 13385 ViewsSOCIALIST is a flexable jQuery Social Media Plugin that enables you to creates a social stream (or social "wall") using AJAX from multiple social media feeds in one place.
Minimal jQuery Social Share Widget - Minishare
- Social Media - 2937 ViewsMinishare is a extremely simple jQuery plugin that allows you to create a fixed position social media share widget on your website.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Facebook Likes For Your Links - Huge On Facebook
- Social Media - 695 ViewsHuge On Facebook is a jQuery plugin for displaying the number of Facebook Likes for any given batch of links.
jQuery Facebook Like Chat Plugin - Pusher Chat
- Other - 56858 ViewsPusher Chat is a jQuery plugin that adds a facebook like chat application to your website using Pusher API.
Facebook Fan Page Feed Widget with Likes - Facio
- Social Media - 3010 ViewsFacio is a jQuery Plugin that allows you to create a Facebook Fan page feed widget with Likes.
Facebook-Like Link Scrapper TextBox Plugin
- Text - 1899 ViewsA facebook-like Link Scrapper TextBox Plugin with jQuery that creates a data box for a link having the link title, description and an image when enter an URL.
Facebook-like Twitter Follower Box
- Social Media - 2273 ViewsToday we're going to create a Facebook-like Twitter Follower Box using jQuery. Facebook Like box is very popular, however, by default Twitter doesn't provide such plugin. But this can be done using this plugin.
Facebook-Like Photo Tagging Plugin
- CSS3 & Html5 - 0 ViewsA Facebook-Like Photo Tagging Plugin using jQuery and PHP with Database Integration that will help you create a photo tagging program like facebook.
Facebook-Like Photo Tagging Plugin
- CSS3 & Html5 - 6785 ViewsA Facebook-Like Photo Tagging Plugin using jQuery and PHP with Database Integration that will help you create a photo tagging program like facebook.
Facebook-Like Timeline with 3D Effect
- Time & Clock - 20820 ViewsA CSS-only Facebook-Like timeline with a 3D effect.The idea is to expand a content area when the associated radio input is selected.