jQuery Plugin For Displaying Complete Facebook Fanpage Data - Famax

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Complete Facebook Fanpage Data - Famax

Famax is a lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to create a customizable and responsive facebook fanpage widget on your website. The widget will displays your complete Facebook Fanpage data on your website!

See also:

How to use it:

1. Include jQuery library and Famax on the web page

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
<script src="famax.min.js"></script>

2. Create a container for the widget

<div id="famax"> </div>

3. Create your Facebook App and get your APP ID, APP secret (Optional, but highly recommended). And then insert them in the javascript




//Maximum videos to display in one load

//Distance between video thumbnails

//Minumum width of a video thumbnails

//Maximum width of a video thumbnails

//Distance between video thumbnails and plugin conatiner

//Maximum width of plugin container

//Display Dropdown instead of Tabs


Change logs:

v4.0 (2015-03-09)

  • A page to display all Albums of the FanPage
  • A page to display all Videos of the FanPage
  • Dispay Comments and Likes for any Post
  • Ability to add Comments and Likes on any Post with Facebook Login
  • Improved Skins

v3.0 (2015-02-11)

  • Show Facebook Albums (each album in a Tab)
  • Lazy Loading of images (first loads a Low definition pic and then loads a HD pic)
  • A new grey Skin for Famax
  • Ability to select any Tab on page load

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by Jake. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.