Free jQuery format Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'format' are listed here.
Easy Number and Currency Formatting Library - autoNumeric
- Other - 78839 ViewsautoNumeric is a useful JavaScript library for international currency formatting as well as numbers formatting.
JS Date Format & validate Library - Moment.js
- Time & Clock - 15085 ViewsMoment.js is a lightweight and robust JavaScript date library that allows you to parse, validate, manipulate, and format dates & times.
Easy Number Formatting Plugin with jQuery - number
- Other - 24238 Viewsnumber.js is a jQuery plugin that easily converts input elements your users input in the correct format for further using.
jQuery Plugin For Formatting User Input with Specified Pattern - formatter.js
- Form - 9365 Viewsformatter.js is an useful and flexible jQuery plugin used to format user input to match a specified pattern with custom formatted characters.
jQuery Plugin For Formatting and Validating Bank Account Forms - Bank
- Form - 6950 ViewsBank is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that provides 2 APIs to format and validate bank account form inputs.
Minimal jQuery Table Sorter and Filter Plugin - table.js
- Table - 3707 Viewstable.js is a super simple yet useful jQuery plugin for sorting, filtering and formatting your html tables.
JS Numbers Formatting and Manipulation Library - Numeral.js
- Other - 4306 ViewsNumeral.js is a js library inspired by Moment.js that format and manipulate numbers to look like currency, percentages, times, or even plain old numbers with decimal places, thousands, and abbreviations.