Free jQuery image resize Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'image resize' are listed here.
Resize & Compress Images On Client Side - jQuery resizeImg
- Other - 10492 ViewsA jQuery plugin that resizes and compresses images on the client side and returns a Base64 string for further use.
Resize And Center An Image To Fill Its Container - jQuery centerImage
- Other - 2504 ViewsA cross-browser, JavaScript (jQuery) solution to proportionally resize and center an image to fill its parent container with no distortion.
Scale And Position Image In Img Tag - jQuery img2bg.js
- Other - 961 ViewsThe img2bg.js (image to background) is a tiny (less than 1kb) and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that makes an image behave like a background image.
Scale & Align Images To Fit Their Parent Containers - Image Scale
- Other - 1727 ViewsImage Scale is a useful yet easy jQuery plugin that automatically scales(enlarge/shrink/crop) and aligns your image to fit within its parent container with many scale and alignment options.
Crop & Resize Images To Fit Containers - resizeAndCrop
- Other - 4284 ViewsA jQuery image resize & crop plugin that automatically resizes, crops and re-positions an image to fit its container while maintaining the regular aspect ratio.
Resize & Re-center Image To Fit Its Container - jQuery resizeImageToParent.js
- Other - 4971 ViewsresizeImageToParent.js is a jQuery plugin which dynamically stretches or cuts off images to fill its parent container on window resize, while maintaining aspect ratio and maintaining centering.
jQuery Plugin To Resize Images To Fit Any Container - image-cover.js
- Other - 3043 Viewsimage-cover.js is a jQuery based responsive image solution that dynamically resizes an image to fill its parent container similar to the CSS background-size: cover property.
jQuery Plugin For Setting Responsive Fullscreen Size To Elements - toFullScreen.js
- Layout - 1253 ViewsA jQuery plugin which responsively renders an element full screen to make it as large as possible while preserving the original aspect ratio.
jQuery Plugin To Resize And Center An Image Within Its Container - Image Cover
- Other - 5265 ViewsImage Cover is a jQuery plugin which dynamically resizes and centers your image to fit its parent container in your responsive webpage.
Small jQuery Plugin For Dynamic Image Resizing - FitMe.js
- Other - 1136 ViewsFitMe.js is a really small jQuery plugin which automatically resizes, crops and centers your image to fit within its parent container while maintaining aspect ratio.
jQuery Plugin To Scale Images To Full Window - fullBleed
- Other - 600 ViewsfullBleed is a small and cross-browser jQuery plugin that scales / stretches / resizes your images to fit in the browser window while maintaining aspect ratio.
Minimalist Image Resize & Crop Plugin For jQuery - imgFitter
- Other - 3068 ViewsimgFitter is an ultra-light jQuery plugin used to dynamically resize and crop images to fit any web layout while maintaining aspect ratio & centering.
jQuery Plugin For Cropping & Resizing Images - easyCrop
- Other - 2890 ViewseasyCrop is a jQuery plugin used to logically resize and crop an image to make none-proportional images display more effectively relative to their container element.
Simple Fullscreen Background Image Plugin with jQuery
- Other - 1407 ViewsA cross-browser jQuery plugin that automatically stretches an images to fill the full window while preserving aspect ratio and maintaining centering.