Free jQuery preload Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'preload' are listed here.
Preload Content When Hovering Over Links - jQuery smartPreload
- Loading - 682 ViewsThis smart jQuery preload plugin will use JavaScript's fetch API to automatically preload the resources behind links when the user hovers over them.
Visual Page Preloader In jQuery - Percent-Preloader
- Loading - 5216 ViewsA simple, lightweight jQuery visual preloader plugin that displays the loading progress of the current page in percentage.
jQuery Plugin To Create Fullscreen Preloading Effects - fakeLoader.js
- Loading - 35682 ViewsfakeLoader.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you create an animated spinner with a fullscreen loading mask to simulate the page preloading effect.
jQuery Plugin To Handle Element Loading Progress - Loader
- Loading - 4134 Viewsnite-preloader is a jQuery plugin to handle the loading progress of 'Heavy' html elements such as images, audios and videos.
Powerful Image Preload Plugin - jQuery preload.js
- Loading - 1826 Viewspreload.js is a tiny yet robust jQuery plugin for preloading a sequence of large images before loading them into the DOM.
jQuery & Html5 Based Preloader Plugin - html5loader
- Other - 17474 Viewshtml5loader is a jQuery plugin that has the ability to preload media files (images, videos, scripts, text files, etc...) from a JSON file with a customizable preloader that displays the loading progress bar/percentage.
Easy Image Loader & Preloader Plugin With jQuery - lazyRender
- Loading - 2537 ViewslazyRender is a simple jQuery image lazy loader & preloader plugin for lazy loading images when needed as well as pre-loading specific images to improve the page loading speed.
jQuery Plugin To Handle Preloading Of Images - addImage
- Loading - 988 ViewsaddImage is a super small jQuery plugin that preloads an array of images and places them into the webpage where needed.
jQuery Plugin To Preload Images And Web Content - sPreLoader
- Loading - 6333 ViewssPreLoader is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that displays a fullscreen preloader with a percentage indicator while pre-loading images and content of your webpage.
Preload Large Size Images Using jQuery - Preload.js
- Loading - 7325 ViewsPreload.js is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that displays a loading spinner to preload large size images before loading them into the DOM.
Lightweight jQuery Image Preloading Plugin - lsPreloader
- Loading - 8997 ViewslsPreloader is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin that creates a preloader to indicate the progress of downloaded images of your website.
jQuery Plugin For Easy Image Preloading - DePreLoad.js
- Loading - 7194 ViewsDePreLoad.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin to quickly detect if all the images of your webpage have been loaded.
jQuery Plugin For Simple Image Preloader - lazyimage
- Loading - 1563 Viewslazyimage is a lightweight jQuery plugin that displays a loading spinner/placeholder for your image and then fades the image in once loaded.
Stylish Page Preloader with jQuery and CSS3 - Moomba Preloader
- Loading - 6257 ViewsMoomba Preloader is a tiny jQuery plugin which allows you to hide content with a stylish preloader until the webpage has loaded.
Responsive and Tidy jQuery Modal Box Plugin - Smoothbox
- LightBox - 3288 ViewsSmoothbox is a lightweight jQuery lightbox plugin for creating simple and clean modal boxes with image gallery, smooth CSS3 transitions and image preload support. The plugin works with all the modern browsers which support CSS3 transitionpr
jQuery Plugin For Preloading Html Elements with Fade Effect - Fadeloader
- Loading - 6877 ViewsFadeloader is a simple jQuery plugin that allows to pre-load any Html elements in your document or section, with a cascade fade-in effect.
jQuery Plugin For Preloading Images With Javascript - imageloader
- Loading - 3715 Viewsimageloader is an useful jQuery plugin for preloading images with javascirpt to improve the user experience.