Free jQuery skill bar Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'skill bar' are listed here.
Minimal Animated Horizontal Bar Graph Plugin - jQuery SkillProgress
- Chart & Graph - 943 ViewsThe SkillProgress jQuery plugin uses animated horizontal progressbars to illustrate your skills, experiences, goals, or anything else you may want to track over time.
Lightweight Animated Skills Bar In jQuery - an-skill-bar
- Chart & Graph - 5408 ViewsThe an-skill-bar jQuery plugin lets you create animated skill/experience bars which can be used for online resumes.
Animated Responsive Skill Bar Plugin For jQuery - Simple SkillBar
- Chart & Graph - 7989 ViewsA super lightweight jQuery plugin used for rendering animated, horizontal, progressbar-style bars to showcase your skill/experience set in percentage.
Animated Configurable Skill Bar Plugin with jQuery - Skills Bar
- Chart & Graph - 15804 ViewsSkills bar is a lightweight yet fully configurable jQuery plugin that creates animated horizontal bar indicators to showcase your skill / experience set in percentage.
jQuery Plugin To Create Animated Skill & Experience Bars - Skillset.js
- Chart & Graph - 12018 ViewsSkillset.js is a jQuery plugin that makes use of CSS3 animations to create an animated horizontal bar chart for presenting your skills, experiences and knowledge.