Lightweight jQuery Animated Counter Plugin

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License: MIT
Lightweight jQuery Animated Counter Plugin

An ultra-light jQuery number counter plugin which allows you to count up towards a target number at a certain speed using jQuery animate() function.

Basic Usage:

1. Create an empty container element for the number counter.

<div id="counter"></div>

2. Load the jQuerySimpleCounter.js plugin after you have jQuery library installed.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jQuerySimpleCounter.js"></script>

3. Set the target number you wish to count up towards to. By default, the plugin animates the number from zero.


4. Default settings.

start:  0,
end:    100,
easing: 'swing', // jQuery easing effects
duration: 400, // animation speed
complete: '' // callback function

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by marcoscesar. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.