Show Promotional Offers With Countdown Timer - epcounter

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Show Promotional Offers With Countdown Timer - epcounter

The epcounter(endless promotion counter) jQuery plugin lets you create a product discount countdown to show the visitors how much time is left for the discounted price.

Ideal for eCommerce websites and/or online stores to boost conversions.

How to use it:

1. Import the minified version of the jQuery epcounter plugin after jQuery.

<script src=""
<script src="dist/jquery.epcounter.min.js"></script>

2. Create the html for the promotional deal/offer with a countdown timer.

<div id="epcounter">
  <div>Expire Date: 
    <div class="expire-box">
      <span id="expireMount"></span> 
      <span id="expireDays"></span>
    </div>Days Left:  
    <div class="expire-box">
      <span id="daysLeft"></span>

3. Initialize the countdown timer and specify the number of promotion days for your deals/offers. Default: 15.

  "amountPromotionDays": 3

4. Default CSS selectors.

  "idExpireMonth": "expireMount",
  "idExpireDays": "expireDays",
  "idDaysLeft": "daysLeft"

5. Set the start day/month/year.

  "startDay": 1,
  "startMonth": new Date().getMonth(),
  "startYear": new Date().getFullYear()

6. Customize the month names.(great for multi-language website)

  "monthsList": [

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by GeekHare. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.