Auto Format Time In An Input With jQuery - Timetator

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Auto Format Time In An Input With jQuery - Timetator

Timetator is a small yet useful jQuery plugin which automatically transforms numeric values (e.g. 932) into time strings (e.g. 09:32) with a custom separator.

How to use it:

1. Download and put the main JavaScript file fm.timetator.jquery.js after jQuery library.

<script src="" 
<script src="fm.timetator.jquery.js"></script>

2. Just attach the function timetator to an input field and done.

<input id="example" value="">
$(function () {

3. You can set the initial time using the native value attribute:

<input id="example" value="14:00">

4. Customize the separator displayed between hours and minutes. Default: :.

$(function () {
    seperator: '.'

5. Determine whether to show seconds. Default: false.

$(function () {
    useSeconds: true

6. Determine whether to cap the time value at 23:59. Default: true.

$(function () {
    useCap: true

7. You can also automatically initialize the plugin by adding the CSS class timetator to the input field and override the default settings using data-OPTION attributes:

<input class="timetator" value="14:00" data-timetator-use-cap="false">

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by QODIO. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.