Inline Week Day Picker Plugin - jQuery weekdays

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License: MIT
Inline Week Day Picker Plugin - jQuery weekdays

A small yet configurable week day picker plugin that enables the visitor to select the day(s) of the week from a group of inline buttons.

How to use it:

1. Import jQuery library together with the JavaScript jquery-weekdays.js and stylesheet jquery-weekdays.css into the html file.

<link href="src/jquery-weekdays.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="" 
<script src="src/jquery-weekdays.js"></script>

2. Create a container element to place the week day picker.

<div id="weekdays"> </div>

3. The JavaScript to generate a basic week day picker on the page.


4. Define an array of pre-selected days. 0 = Sunday.

    selectedIndexes: [0, 2, 4, 6]

5. Enable the single selection mode.

    singleSelect: true

6. Default CSS selectors.

    listClass: 'weekdays-list',
    itemClass: 'weekdays-day',
    itemSelectedClass : 'weekday-selected'

7. Localize the week day picker.

    days: ["Domingo", "Segunda", "Terça", "Quarta", "Quinta", "Sexta", "Sábado"]

8. Get the selected day(s).

// returns ["0", "1", "2"]

// OR

// returns ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue"]



  • fixing a bug in pre-selected items

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by nikolasmagno. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.