Interactive Parallax Effect For Multiple Images - CZ-Parallax

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License: MIT
Interactive Parallax Effect For Multiple Images - CZ-Parallax

CZ-Parallax is a small jQuery plugin that applies an interactive parallax effect to multiple foreground and background images on mouse movent.

How to use it:

1. Download and insert the minified version of the jQuery CZ-Parallax plugin after jQuery library.

<script src="" 
<script src="js/CZ-Parallax_jQuery-min.js"></script>

2. Call the function on the target container element and specify the forground & background images.

<div id="parallaxContainer">
  fg: 'fg.jpg',
  bgs: [
      // more bg images here

3. Set the moving speed of the images on mouse movement. Default: 1.

  fg: 'fg.jpg',
  bgs: [
      // more bg images here
  speed: 2

4. Set the zoom factor of the foreground and background images.

  fg: 'fg.jpg',
  bgs: [
      // more bg images here
  fgZoom: 1,
  bgZoom: 1.05

5. Set the images to move only along the x or y axis. Default: none.

  fg: 'fg.jpg',
  bgs: [
      // more bg images here
  lock: 'x' // or 'y'



  • Smaller bug fixes

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by masicmirza. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.