10 Free jQuery Plugins You Might Find Useful

by jQuery Script,

Here is a small collection of 10 Free jQuery Plugins we found and collected for this week (14/11/2013-21/11/2013). They're not listed on our website for some reasons, however, you might find useful for your next project. Enjoy!

jQuery sidenotes

sidenotes is a jQuery plugin used to transform markdown footnotes into superpowered sidenotes.

jQuery sidenotes

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery fjDialog

This is a free set tip box shows the content (including text, images, etc.), disappear when the tip of the content, prompt box into the popup style optional, configuration of transparency, fades, animation duration, CSS control style and independent and in and out of style, can set a delay, delay, disappear automatically hidden, optional relative browser users or overwrite events node are prohibited in operation again, can be independent appear and disappear, in the presence of a want to appear, when he wants to hide the hidden), and so on

jQuery fjDialog


jQuery h5form

This plugin gives all browsers the HTML5 forms like the Opera. These enhancements are determined in the presence or absence of the object in a input element. Therefore it will be able to support nearly maintenance-free for the other versions of browsers.

jQuery h5form

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery DataAttributeEvents

Javascript Events driven through the data attribute. Bind javascript events to the data attribute through this plugin. Seperate the presentation layer from the style.

jQuery DataAttributeEvents

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery anysearch

Direct search in browser with barcode scanner support.

jQuery anysearch

[Demo] [Download]


Those who are faced with adaptation of web-based applications for mobile devices knows that the event "click" is triggered with a delay of 300ms, observe which not very pleasant. In addition, click on non-delegated place of document will not work. To solve these problems and was designed by jQuery Tap Event.


[Demo] [Download]


Are-you-sure (jquery.are-you-sure.js) is simple light-weight "dirty form" JQuery Plugin for modern browsers. It helps prevent users from losing unsaved HTML Form changes by promoting the user to save/submit.


[Demo] [Download]

jQuery knockout

This plugin allow apply ko viewmodel to several elements using jQuery selectors. And allow further manupulation of those elements using jQuery chaining.

jQuery knockout



A simple, lightweight url parser for JavaScript (~1.6 Kb minified, ~0.6Kb gzipped).


[Demo] [Download]

jQuery bootpag

This jQuery plugin helps you create dynamic pagination with twitter bootstrap or in any other html pages.

jQuery bootpag

[Demo] [Download]