10 Newest Free jQuery Plugins For This Week #11 (2016)

by jQuery Script,

Here's our #121 hand-picked collection of 10 New Free jQuery Plugins with examples we found around the web from last week (March 11th, 2016 ~ March 17th, 2016). These jQuery plugins haven't been featured on our website yet I think you might find useful. Have fun with it and remember to spread the word!

jQuery TreeSelect Plugin

TreeSelect is a plugin for creating complex context sensitive forms, where the content in a child Select-box heavily depends on the selected option of the parent.

jQuery TreeSelect Plugin

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Geometry Editor

Rather then just saying a password is "weak" or "strong", How Secure is My Password? lets your users know how long it would take someone to crack their password. It also checks against the top 10,000 most common passwords as well as a number of other checks (such as repeated strings, telephone numbers, and words followed by numbers).

jQuery Geometry Editor


jQuery web-data-extractor

Extracting and parsing structured data with Jquery Selector, XPath or JsonPath from common web format like HTML, XML and JSON.

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery interactive_map

interactive map with jquery

jQuery interactive_map

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery replaceWordsInPage

It screen-scrapes some Wikipedia pages, and then replaces content on one of the pages with word count information.

jQuery replaceWordsInPage


jQuery animate-enhanced

Extend $.animate() to detect CSS transitions for Webkit, Mozilla, IE>=10 and Opera and convert animations automatically.

jQuery animate-enhanced

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery validateit

A powerful and easy to use jQuery validator. With ValidateIt, you can create your own rules with a lot of ease and flexibility.

jQuery validateit

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery UI MultiSelect Widget

MultiSelect progessively enhances an ordinary multiple select control into elegant drop down list of checkboxes, stylable with ThemeRoller.

jQuery UI MultiSelect Widget

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery JAjaxLoader

A jquery plugin to start/stop an ajax loader.

jQuery JAjaxLoader

[Demo] [Download]

Shifting Material Button Modal

Two call-to-action buttons that give context to your modals in a Material Design fashion.

Shifting Material Button Modal

[Demo] [Download]