10 Newest Free jQuery Plugins For This Week #53 (2015)

by jQuery Script,

Here's our #112 hand-picked collection of 10 New Free jQuery Plugins with examples we found around the web from last week (December 25, 2015 ~ December 31, 2015). These jQuery plugins haven't been featured on our website yet I think you might find useful. Have fun with it and remember to spread the word!

jQuery flyerArchive

A jQuery plugin used for archive an element to another with fly animation.

jQuery flyerArchive

[Demo] [Download]


A jQuery plugin to replace alternate version of text for client side internationalization.


[Demo] [Download]


This plugin allows you to make elements responsive, by dynamically adding class names to them based on width.


[Demo] [Download]

jQuery pixLayout

Analog Clock made using CSS & jQuery

jQuery pixLayout

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery file-browser

Jquery based file explorer

jQuery file-browser

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery SimpleRating

A simple JS file (using jQuery) to integrate a rating system with images to your website. When the user click on a rank, the rank is stored into a hidden input of your choice, easily useable by your server side's script. The click can also trigger a function of your choice, such as sending via AJAX the rank chosen to a server's side script. o

jQuery SimpleRating

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery select-box

Custom select box replacement inspired by jQuery UI

jQuery select-box

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery flyout

Flyout is a piece of content that fly out of a parent when some action occurs, for example, when box is clicked.

jQuery flyout

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery btnpickers

Color Picker, Font Picker, Padding Picker, Margin Picker

jQuery btnpickers

[Demo] [Download]

jQuey Textarea AutoGrow

A widget containing a list of suggested articles, with a reading progress indicator powered by SVG, CSS and jQuery.

jQuey Textarea AutoGrow
