10 Newest Free jQuery Plugins For This Week #8 (2016)

by jQuery Script,

Here's our #118 hand-picked collection of 10 New Free jQuery Plugins with examples we found around the web from last week (February 19th, 2016 ~ February 25th, 2016). These jQuery plugins haven't been featured on our website yet I think you might find useful. Have fun with it and remember to spread the word!

jQuery roughly

jQuery plugin that continuously updates an estimated number since a specific date.

jQuery roughly

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery dimmr

A jQuery plugin to dim the current page once the top of a specific element has crossed the halfway point of the viewport

jQuery dimmr

[Demo] [Download]

SVG 3D Tag Cloud jQuery Plugin

SVG based 3D animated tag cloud plugin for jQuery.

SVG 3D Tag Cloud jQuery Plugin

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Slickgrid Export to Excel

jQuery plugin to export the entire data from slick grid to excel. A client side javascript, jquery plugin to export slick grid to excel.

jQuery Slickgrid Export to Excel

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery beautify-json

jquery plugin to make JSON more human-readable

jQuery beautify-json

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery qwerty-typewriter

Typewriter jQuery plugin. It outputs given text with a nice blinker into the container.

jQuery qwerty-typewriter

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery accessible autocomplete list

This jQuery plugin will transform and enhance a simple text input with a datalist into a wonderful and shiny input with autocomplete, and accessible.

jQuery accessible autocomplete list

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery jPost-it

A simple and usefull Post-it plugin for jQuery.

jQuery jPost-it


jQuery ruforval

Ruforval is a light and easy to use jquery plugin to validate form inputs and textareas in real time and of course when submitting.

jQuery ruforval

[Demo] [Download]

Sliding Panels Template

A simple portfolio template, with project preview images that slide out to reveal the selected project.

Sliding Panels Template

[Demo] [Download]