12 Newest Free jQuery Plugins For This Week #36 (2015)

by jQuery Script,

Here's our #95 hand-picked collection of 12 New Free jQuery Plugins with examples we found around the web from last week (28/08/2015-03/09/2015).These jQuery plugins haven't been featured on our website yet I think you might find useful. Have fun with it and remember to spread the word!


A custom jQuery event that executes user-defined callback functions during an elements CSS transition.


[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Blapy

Blapy is a jQuery plugin that helps you to create and manage an ajax web application.

The web application is built the usual way of generating web pages like with php or any standard CMS and Blapy will transform it into a dynamic web application with ajaxified contents and without coding any javascript.

jQuery Blapy

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery elementQuery

elementQuery allows you to style elements based on their parent container's changing size, not the window's.

jQuery elementQuery

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery preventMacBackScroll

Mac OSX Lion introduces a nasty behavior: when you are scrolling and the element (or its parents) are no longer scrollable, then horizontal scrolling with two fingers will trigger back page or next page.

For now this plugin provides a way to prevent that behavior for Chrome in the case you're scrolling up or left where you can't scroll anymore, which triggers back/next page.


jQuery Textbox Revision Tracker

A simple jQuery plugin to track text revisions to HTML inputs or text areas. Revisions can be saved, undone, redone, diffed and fetched. Revision data of text, time of revision and revision number are stored.

jQuery Textbox Revision Tracker

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery SmarterImages

Images are dumb - make them smarter with flexible dynamic image replacement

jQuery inteliDate

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery onresize

jQuery UI widget enabling cross browser resize events on regular (non-void) elements, without using iframes or timers.

jQuery onresize

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery leave-by-side

This jQuery plugin provides a basic mechanism to detect on which side the mouse leaves an given element. You can define callback function for every side. Supported sides are top, bottom, left and right.


jQuery toneletter

a jQuery plugin that allows you to put phonetic and tone symbols into your text fields with simple key binding.

jQuery toneletter

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery dynamic.imagemap

A jQuery plugin for dynamic element creation on a image map area with respect to area coordinates.

jQuery dynamic.imagemap

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery SimpleFlowchart

This is a small JavaScript library with single purpose - draw some nodes and connect them with lines. You can use this library to create your own flow charts or create other similar graphics. Nodes and connection lines can be styled with CSS. Node content can be whatever you want - simple div, image or SVG.

jQuery SimpleFlowchart

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Dynamic HTML grid

Dynamic HTML grid with jQuery/AngularJS frontend and PHP/NodeJS backend

jQuery Dynamic HTML grid

[Demo] [Download]