26 New Free jQuery Plugins You Might Find Useful
Here's the #20 hand-picked collection of 26 Free jQuery Plugins we found around the web from last week (22/03/2014-28/03/2014). These jQuery plugins haven't been featured on our website yet I think you might find useful. Have fun with it and don’t forget to spread the word!
jQuery lastfm
jQuery plugin for convenient access to the Last.fm API
jQuery wanker
A jQuery plugin that reveals a takeover when people start excessively resizing their browser.
jQuery Devrama Book
'Devrama Book' is a jQuery Plugin that you can easily make a 3D book. Simply use HTML or Text to add content inside. You can customize the look & feel using CSS.
jQuery plax
Plax is a jQuery plugin that makes it suuuuuper easy to parallax elements in your site based on mouse position.
jQuery appear
A jQuery plugin provides appear and disappear events to do lazyload, infinite scroll or else effect.
jQuery scrollup
A simple jquery plugin to enable scroll to top feature to any website. The plugin can be customized to position the element to bottom right or left, element color can be changed to dark or light shade,we can define the position where the element has to appear while scrolling and finally the location pixel to reach on clicking the element
jQuery ipmask
Utility that allows you to enter only the characters that match the format ip.v4
jQuery LonaLax
LonaLax is a jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to make section tags on your page sticky scrollable. Any section tag is parsed for parallax effects. Section tags are assumed to line up one-after-another.
jQuery password-peekaboo
This jQuery plugin allows you to temporarily reveal password fields like on Windows 8. It is purposefully agnostic of whatever markup and CSS you choose to use; all it does is add a div next to all the fields you want to give "peekaboo" functionality to, and then make an event listener to connect that field with the "peekaboo" element.
jQuery more-less
A jquery more-less (show/hide) plug-in w/ fade in/out
jQuery mouse_carrousel
Mouse Carrousel is a jQuery plugin made to enhance small photo galeries using mouse moves to display the galery.
jQuery lede
Lede is a jQuery plugin that styles an arbitrary leading number of words, creating a professional appearance like those in newspapers and magazines.
jQuery xmleditor
A web browser based XML editor. It provides a general use graphical tool for creating new or modifying existing XML documents in your web browser. Information is extracted from an XML schema (XSD file) to provide the user with information about what elements, subelements and attributes are available at different points in the structure, and a GUI based means of adding or removing them from the document.
jQuery WysiBB
WysiBB is a jQuery visual WYSIWYG editor for BBcode.
jQuery ArrowTabs
jQuery plugin for responsive wireframing.
jQuery todo-app
This app incorporates JQuery with HTML and SASS. The app allows users to create todo items, as well as, keep count of the total items listed and the amount of completed items.
jQuery cover
jQuery plugin for sizing elements just like `background-size: cover`
jQuery PgwModal
Responsive modal / dialog window for jQuery / Zepto
jQuery sliders.js
sliders.js is a tiny jQuery slideshow plugin.
jQuery whatsup-js
Introducing whatsUp.js a simple jQuery plugin for showing upcoming events
jQuery khantrol-knob
UI control knob, jQuery plugin
jQuery datafilters
DataFilters is a jQuery plugin that makes filtering and sorting tables and structured lists of data a breeze. Simply configure and apply to the containter that holds your data, ensure you have an element with an id of 'filters' and away you go!
jQuery caramelBar.js
caramelBar.js is a lightweight sticky navbar jQuery plugin
jQuery ikSelect
Stylize html selects using jQuery
jQuery Mapbox
A jQuery plugin that allows to pan and zoom multiple layers of images.
jQuery Rebox
jQuery-Rebox is a light weight, responsive, mobile friendly jQuery and Zepto lightbox