7 Newest Free jQuery Plugins For This Week #18 (2017)

by jQuery Script,

Here's our #179 hand-picked collection of 7 New Free jQuery Plugins with examples we found around the web from last week (Apr 28th, 2017 ~ May 4th, 2017). These jQuery plugins haven't been featured on our website yet I think you might find useful. Have fun with it and remember to spread the word!

jQuery OctaGrid

The Octa Grid is specially designed to reduce heavy work load on creating crud application. This is written in typescript and will give you fully automated crud functionality with any server side language. By default it uses bootstrap forms but you can also create own forms(eg,materialcss) and inputs.

jQuery OctaGrid

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Responsive Bubbles

This is a jQuery-based app that generates bubbles in a full-screen instance of the HTML5 Canvas, which in turn respond to mouse movement. Bubbles are generated randomly within the bounds of the viewport, and an artificial "gravity" pushes them toward the bottom.

jQuery Responsive Bubbles

[Demo] [Download]

Before & After Slider Gallery With SVG Masks

A little experiment for a before & after slider all inside a SVG. Masking makes it pretty simple. Since it's all SVG, the images and captions scale nicely together. GreenSock's Draggable and ThrowProps plugins were used for the slider control.

jQuery Animated Progress

[Demo] [Download]


A template for self-hosted bookmarks using HTML & jQuery.


[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Plugin Toaster

Plugin for create toasters (alerts) with message.

jQuery Plugin Toaster

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery selfw

Selfw is a plugin for jQuery to auto write letter by letter by random or fixed time.

jQuery selfw

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery ARIA menu widget

jQuery plugin that creates keyboard and screen reader accessibility for an ARIA menu widget.

jQuery ARIA menu widget

[Demo] [Download]