7 Newest Free jQuery Plugins For This Week #30 (2016)

by jQuery Script,

Here's our #140 hand-picked collection of 7 New Free jQuery Plugins with examples we found around the web from last week (July 22nd, 2016 ~ July 28th, 2016). These jQuery plugins haven't been featured on our website yet I think you might find useful. Have fun with it and remember to spread the word!

jQuery Simple Ellipsis

Simple Ellipsis is a jQuery plugin that allows you to ellipsis long sections of text & HTML and unellipsis long sections of text & HTML with a mouse click.

jQuery Simple Ellipsis

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Panoramix

jQuery Panoramic Tile Viewer.

jQuery Panoramix

[Demo] [Download]

jquery expert-happiness

expert-happiness is a jquery powered file for OpenStack Horizon that will allow you to place a help window on your views allowing for context aware documentation for your cloud.

jquery expert-happiness


Slider with complex animation and half-collored angled text

jQuery & CSS3 based slider with complex animation and half-collored angled text.

Slider with complex animation and half-collored angled text

[Demo] [Download]

Horizontal Tab Menu Slider

A simple navigation that auto-hides when the user scrolls down, and becomes visible when the user scrolls up.

Horizontal Tab Menu Slider

[Demo] [Download]


Simple plugin for turning a <select> tag into a quick way to change jQuery UI themes using Google CDN.


[Demo] [Download]


A simple modal-style popup form using jquery.


[Demo] [Download]