Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #321
Here's the 321st Weekly Web Design & Development Collective that aims to introduce fresh new, trendy and easy-to-use web design & development resources (freebies, codes, graphics, tools, inspiration, etc) from the past week. Have fun with it and remember to share with your friends.
Web Design & Development News: Collective #321
Bootstrap Icons
200+ SVG icons for Bootstrap.
A JSX-based page builder for creating beautiful websites without writing code.
A web component to represent a graph data structure in augmented reality using a force-directed iterative layout.
Charts dedicated to finance.
Customizable and performant React Native scroll bar component for quickly scrolling through large lists.
Aleph is a 3D object viewer and annotation/measurement tool.
Flags for currency codes.
Animate In View
AIV (Animate In View) is a standalone JavaScript scroll animation library to animate any element on page scroll by toggling certain CSS classes depending on the scroll position.
text-particles.js is a pure JavaScript plugin to draw animated, interactive text particles on an HTML5 canvas element.
Dual Triangle Preloaders
Direction-aware box shadow effect with ES6.
Slider with scroll animation
Slider triggered by mousewheel or up and down keys done with animejs.
40 Free Christmas icons
40 Free Christmas icons pack.
Shopicons Free E-Commerce Icon Set
Essentials E-Commerce icon pack for free.