Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #521

by jQueryScript,

A collection of the latest and hottest design and development resources (Javascript libraries, CSS snippets, Free Graphic Design Resources, etc.) on the web from the last week (Week 40, 2023).

Web Design & Development News: Collective #521


openv0 is a generative UI component framework. It allows you to AI generate and iterate on UI components, with live preview.


[Demo] [Download]


A prompt-first IDE for building great-looking pages. You simply describe the UI you desire and it will generate the code for that component using the technologies that are familiar to you (currently only React+Tailwind are supported).


[Demo] [Download]


Get JSON data about anything depending on your prompt. Define your structure, list results.


[Demo] [Download]

React glow

Add a mouse-tracing glow effect to React components.

React glow

[Demo] [Download]


Gather all the documentation for your dependencies in one place instantly!



Convert JavaScript To Python

Using this NPM package you can convert your JavaScript code to Python and then use it .

Convert JavaScript To Python



MycroDB is a JavaScript library for managing Document Databases stored in a single JSON file or in-memory.


[Demo] [Download]


A high-performance caching library for JavaScript and TypeScript. Simplify data caching and retrieval, improve application performance, and reduce database load with this easy-to-use caching solution. Ideal for web applications, APIs, and server-side rendering.



jessquery is a light wrapper around the browser's native DOM API with less verbosity and more convenience methods. It's just like jQuery, except with a smaller footprint and a sillier name. It doesn't do quite as much, but most of jQuery's features have been subsumed by the browser itself. The key thing that is lost when working without jQuery is the ability to easily compose multiple actions in a readable, logical way.


[Demo] [Download]


An style ecosystem to provide the most easy and productive way to style your elements and components in the most of frontend technologies, providing a full "no-tab-change" styling experience.


[Demo] [Download]

Vue Stage Play

Designing a guided tour for your website with vue components, much like directing a stage play.

Vue Stage Play

[Demo] [Download]

Vante Database

VanteDB is a lightweight Node.js database library that simplifies basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on JSON files. It's designed to be easy to use and suitable for small to medium-sized projects where a full-fledged database system might be overkill

Vante Database

[Demo] [Download]

Hover Effect from Ludwig Video

See the Pen Hover Effect from Ludwig Video by Hyperplexed (@Hyperplexed) on CodePen.

Carousel with drag and wheel

See the Pen Carousel with drag and wheel by Fabio Ottaviani (@supah) on CodePen.

Stroke Logo Animation

See the Pen Stroke Logo Animation by Jon Kantner (@jkantner) on CodePen.

Scroll Reveal

See the Pen Scroll Reveal by Thea (@HighFlyer) on CodePen.

minimal svg quadratic waves

See the Pen minimal svg quadratic waves by Andy Fitzsimon (@andyfitz) on CodePen.

AI Weekly Digest Issue #25

Get your AI update with AI Weekly Digest Issue #25 for Week 40 of 2023. A curated selection of the most impactful AI news and events worldwide.

AI Weekly Digest Issue 25


AI-Powered Business Generator

Business Generator uses AI to generate customized business ideas in minutes. Answer a few quick questions and get tailored models and concepts.

AI-Powered Business Generator

[Try It Out!]


A fully responsive website for all devices, showcasing menus, locations, promotions, and a dynamic slider. Developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


[Demo] [Download]

Slideshow Animations

A collection of ideas for slideshow animations.

Slideshow Animations

[Demo] [Download]