Customizable Overlay Loading Screen With jQuery - plainOverlay

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License: MIT
Customizable Overlay Loading Screen With jQuery - plainOverlay

plainOverlay is an easy yet highly customizable jQuery plugin for displaying loading overlays with custom CSS/Image based loading spinners on any DOM elements.

Basic usage:

1. Just include the following JS files on the webpage and the plainOverlay is ready for use.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.plainoverlay.js"></script>

2. Create a default loading overlay covering the whole page.


3. Create a loading overlay with customizable settings covering a specific container.


  // duration in milliseconds
  duration:       200,

  // opacity level
  opacity:        0.6,

  // CSS z-index
  zIndex:         9000,

  // fill color of the overlay
  fillColor: '#888',

  // The jQuery-Element that is returned by specified Function is shown to the users as the progress-element on the overlay.
  // This is usually the messages or images that means "Please wait...".
  // If false is specified, nothing is shown on the overlay.
  // e.g. progress: function() { return $('<div>Loading...</div>'); }
  progress: function(){},

  // show/hide callback functions.
  show: function(){},
  hide: function(){},

4. Close the loading overlay manually.


5. Events.

$('#element').on('plainoverlayshow', function(event) {
  // when shown

$('#element').on('plainoverlayhide', function(event) {
  // when hidden

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by anseki. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.