Full-featured Image Loader Plugin For jQuery - ImageLoader.js

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License: MIT
Full-featured Image Loader Plugin For jQuery - ImageLoader.js

ImageLoader.js is an ea cross-platform jQuery image loader plugin which helps load, preload and resize images on your webpage.

Key features:

  • Gif loading indicator.
  • Resize images after resized.
  • Load images in order or at random.
  • Success/error callbacks.
  • Cache buster function.

How to use it:

1. Copy the folder ImageLoader somewhere on your server (preferably in the same folder with the page you want to add the gallery to), and then add the following js files in the head section of your website:

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.dop.ImageLoader.js"></script>

2. Call the function on the target image container.

// or

3. Default plugin settings.

  // set the container for the images that will be loaded
  'container': ''

  // path to the loader gif
  'LoaderURL': 'ImageLoader/images/loader.gif',

  // path to the fallback image
  'NoImageURL': 'ImageLoader/images/no-image.png',

  // load the preloader first
  'LoadPreloaderFirst': true,

  // load the images one after another
  'LoadingInOrder': true,

  // none, container, fill, proportionally
  'ImageSize': 'fill', 

  // time in milliseconds for the fade effect
  'ImageDelay': 600,

  // if true it loads the image from the server and not the one from the cache
  'CacheBuster': false,

  // callbacks
  'SuccessCallback': '',
  'ErrorCallback': ''


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by dotonpaper. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.