Simple Lightiweght jQuery Image Preloader Plugin - img_preloader

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License: MIT
Simple Lightiweght jQuery Image Preloader Plugin - img_preloader

img_preloader is a lightweight and easy to use jQuery image preloader plugin that allows you to display a CSS3 powered loading spinner until all the images you specify have been completely loaded.

How to use it:

1. Load jQuery library and the jQuery img_preloader plugin at the end of the document.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.img_preloader.js"></script>

2. Preload images using $.imgPreloader.preLoad() method. Note that you need to use the data-src attribute for all dynamic loading images. Available parameters:

  • successCallBack: fired after all the images have been loaded
  • failCallback: fired when images fail to load
<img src="" data-src="1.jpg">
$.imgPreloader.preLoad(successCallBack, failCallback)

2. Preload images using $.imgPreloader.preLoad() method. Note that you need to use the data-src attribute for all dynamic loading images. Available parameters:

  • successCallBack: fired after all the images have been loaded
  • failCallback: fired when images fail to load

3. You can also preload an array of images using $.imgPreloader.preLoadURLs() method like this:

$.imgPreloader.preLoadURLs([1.jpg,2.jpg,3.jpg], successCallBack, failCallback)

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by jwma. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.