Performance-focused Youtube Video Embed - jQuery embedVideo

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License: MIT
Performance-focused Youtube Video Embed - jQuery embedVideo

embedVideo is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin that helps you quickly embed Youtube videos into your webpages with lazy load support.

The plugin fetches/displays the preview images of Youtube videos on the page and loads/plays the iframe Youtube videos when clicked.

Fully responsive and mobile friendly. Ideal for video-heavy web apps to improve the page load speed.

See also:

How to use it:

1. Load the script jquery.embedVideo.min.js after jQuery but before the closing body tag.

<script src=""
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.embedVideo.js"></script>

2. Load the Youtube Iframe API if needed.

<script src=""></script>

3. Call the function on the video container and we're ready to go.

<script src=""></script>

4. Specify the video ID in the data-id attribute.

<div class="embed-youtube" data-id="ouv_isD5mZ8"></div>

5. Decide whether to enable the autoplay functionality.

<div class="embed-youtube" 

6. Decide whether to show the video controls.

<div class="embed-youtube" 

7. Customize the alternative cover image.

<div class="embed-youtube" 

8. Full plugin options with default values.

   * default 120px * 90px
   * mqdefault 320px * 180px
   * hqdefault 480px * 360px
   * sddefault 640px * 480px
   * maxresdefault 1280px * 720px
  sizePreview: '',

   * auto resizes the preview image
  autoSizePreview: true,

   * alternative cover image
  alternativeCover: false,

   *  custom play icon
  imagePlayContainer: '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 428.41 301.36" height="50"><path d="M639.64,440.2l115.76-60-115.76-60.4Z" transform="translate(-469.68 -233.97)" fill="#fff"/><path d="M893.81,299s-4.19-29.53-17-42.53c-16.27-17.07-34.56-17.16-42.9-18.16C773.9,234,684,234,684,234h-.17s-89.92,0-149.9,4.32c-8.35,1-26.64,1.09-42.91,18.16-12.84,13-17,42.53-17,42.53a647.81,647.81,0,0,0-4.28,69.33v32.51A648.06,648.06,0,0,0,474,470.15s4.19,29.53,17,42.53c16.31,17.07,37.71,16.53,47.23,18.33,34.26,3.27,145.67,4.32,145.67,4.32s90-.13,150-4.49c8.38-1,26.63-1.09,42.9-18.16,12.84-13,17-42.53,17-42.53a649,649,0,0,0,4.28-69.33V368.31A647.81,647.81,0,0,0,893.81,299ZM639.64,440.2V319.82l115.76,60.4Z" transform="translate(-469.68 -233.97)" fill="#e52d27"/></svg>',

   * opacity
  imagePlayOpacity: .85,

   * callback function
  callback: function() {},

   *  playlist, search, or user_uploads
  listType: '',

   * determines the content to be loaded into the player.
  list: '',

   * enables autoplay
  autoplay: 0,

   * setting the parameter's value to 1 causes closed captions to be shown by default, even if the user has turned captions off. 
  cc_load_policy: 0,

   * player color
  color: 'red',

   * enables video controls
  controls: 1,

   * disables keyboard interactions
  disablekb: 0,

   * uses Youtube iFrame API
  enablejsapi: 0,

   * end time
  end: '',

   * shows fullscreen control
  fs: 1,

   * specifies the language
  hl: '',

   * setting the parameter's value to 1 causes video annotations to be shown by default, whereas setting to 3 causes video annotations to not be shown by default. The default value is 1.
  iv_load_policy: 1,

   * enables infinite loop
  loop: 0,

   * hides the logo
  modestbranding: 0,

   *  provides an extra security measure for the IFrame API and is only supported for IFrame embeds
  origin: '',

   * a list of video IDs
  playlist: '',

   *  controls whether videos play inline or fullscreen
  playsinline: 0,

   * indicates whether the player should show related videos when playback of the initial video ends
  rel: 1,

   * start time
  start: 0


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by mahlenko. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.