Free jQuery Youtube Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Youtube' are listed here.
7 Best Youtube Lazy Loaders To Improve Page Speed (2025 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 15847 Views7 best jQuery and/or Vanilla JavaScript based Youtube lazy loaders that help developers and bloggers bring a performant, fast, SEO-friendly lazy loading experience to your Youtube videos within the document.
YouTube Video Embed Optimization with yt-embed-js jQuery Plugin
- Loading - 103 ViewsBoost website speed with yt-embed-js. Lazy load YouTube videos for optimal performance.
Use Youtube/Vimeo/HTML5 Videos As A Fullscreen Background - youtube-background.js
- Other - 24139 ViewsYet another jQuery/Vanilla JS Video Background plugin which makes Youtube/Vimeo/HTML5 videos behavior like a covering background.
Play Youtube Videos In A Responsive Modal - jQuery YT Player
- LightBox - 5950 ViewsA fast and minimalistic video player that allows the user to play any Youtube Video in a modal popup.
jQuery Based Youtube/Vimeo/HTML5 Video Controller - Video.js
- Other - 6862 ViewsA jQuery video plugin that provides useful methods and events to control Youtube, Vimeo, and HTML5 videos from JavaScript.
Awesome Video Background Plugin with HTML5 and Youtube API - YTPlayer
- Other - 110393 ViewsYTPlayer is a jQuery plugin that allows you to use a youtube video as the background of your web page using html5 data-* attributes and youtube API.
Easy Youtube Video Thumbnail Downloader With jQuery
- Other - 1080 ViewsA jQuery-powered Youtube thumbnail downloader app that allows you to get the high- and low-resolution thumbnails from a YouTube video.
Custom Youtube Video Gallery With jQuery
- Gallery - 6604 ViewsA custom Youtube video player with a responsive playlist carousel, built with jQuery, Font Awesome, Bootstrap, and Owl Carousel.
Minimal Youtube/Vimeo Modal Plugin For jQuery - modal-video
- LightBox - 25392 ViewsA simple, accessible, customizable jQuery video lightbox plugin that allows to play Youtube/Vimeo videos in an animated modal window as you click on the video link.
Play Youtube Videos In A Fullscreen Popup - Youtube Overlay
- LightBox - 12913 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows the visitor by clicking/tapping a trigger element to open and play a Youtube video in a fully responsive fullscreen popup.
Make Youtube Video Player Fluid/Responsive - jQuery Fluidify
- Other - 3639 ViewsFluidify is a really small jQuery plugin which makes the Youtube video player (iframe) fully fluid and responsive relative to its parent container.
Fullscreen Youtube Video Background Plugin with jQuery
- Other - 21680 ViewsJust another jQuery wrapper for Youtube API that allows to embed a YouTube video into your web page as a video background.
Image/Gallery/Youtube/HTML Modal Plugin - jQuery KBmodal
- LightBox - 3735 ViewsKBmodal is a fully responsive modal plugin for jQuery that displays images, galleries, Youtube videos, and even HTML contents in a popup overlay.
jQuery Plugin To Lazy Load Youtube Videos Until Needed - LazyTube
- Loading - 4378 ViewsYet another jQuery Youtube video lazy load plugin that displays the thumbnail images of Youtube videos on the webpage and then plays them when clicked.
Responsive Youtube Video Gallery Plugin - jQuery YouRam
- Gallery - 8176 ViewsA jQuery plugin that helps you generate a responsive Youtube video gallery from any Youtube Channel, User, or Playlist.
Easy Youtube & Vimeo Video Embeds With jQuery - VideoBox
- Other - 6939 ViewsVideoBox is a lightweight jQuery plugin that makes it easier to embed Youtube, Vimeo, or Kaltura videos with custom player parameters into the webpage.
jQuery Plugin For Fluid Youtube & Vimeo Videos - tinaciousFluidVid.js
- Other - 2596 ViewstinaciousFluidVid.js is an extremely light jQuery plugin that automatically resizes Youtube & Vimeo iframe players to fit your responsive web layout.
Easy HTML5 & Youtube Video Background Plugin - container.player
- Other - 6119 Viewscontainer.player is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to set any HTML5 or Youtube video as a responsive background for a specified container or the whole page.
Load Youtube/Vimeo Videos On Demand To Improve Performance - Js-load-video
- Other - 2300 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin that dynamically loads Youtube and Vimeo videos on demand to boost page performance. Licensed under the BSD-3-Clause.
Lightweight Youtube Video Gallery with jQuery - SpidocheTube
- Gallery - 21442 ViewsSpidocheTube is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin which displays your Youtube videos and playlists as a gallery on the web page.
Embed Multiple Youtube Videos Into The Page With A Single Call - ytmultiple
- Other - 5878 Viewsytmultiple is a jQuery plugin which helps you embed multiple Youtube video players into your HTML page with just a single JS call.
Open And Play Youtube Videos In A Modal - jQuery GRT Youtube Popup
- LightBox - 30530 ViewsYet another jQuery Youtube popup plugin which allows you to place the YouTube video inside a responsive modal window with autoplay support.
Auto Stretch Youtube/HTML5 Video To Full Screen - VideoHero.js
- Other - 3363 ViewsVideoHero.js is a lightweight and configurable jQuery Video plugin for creating 'Hero' video on the webpage. Supports both Youtube and HTML5 videos.
Youtube Video Background With Mobile Fallback - yt-video-background.js
- Other - 2639 ViewsYet another jQuery based Youtube video background plugin with a graceful fallback to a specified background image on mobile devices.
Performance-focused Youtube Video Embed - jQuery embedVideo
- Loading - 5197 ViewsembedVideo is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin that helps you quickly embed Youtube videos into your webpages with lazy load support.
Responsive Youtube Video Embed Without Black Bars - responsive-youtube.js
- Other - 2383 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin for making Youtube players fully responsive regardless of the aspect ratio (16:9 or 4:3).
Performant Youtube Video Embed Plugin - jquery.youtubevideo.js
- Other - 3189 ViewsThe jQuery YoutubeVideo.js plugin enables you to embed Youtube videos into the webpage in a simple and efficient way.
Google Plus Photo And Youtube Video Gallery Plugin with jQuery
- Gallery - 10646 ViewsAn easy-to-use jQuery plugin used to display your Google Plus photos or Youtube videos in a fully loaded, responsive content gallery.
Create A Youtube Video Carousel With OWL Carousel Plugin
- Slider - 15976 ViewsThe jQuery OWL Tube plugin makes use of the popular Owl Carousel 2 plugin to create a responsive, configurable Youtube playlist carousel from a group of Youtube videos you specify.
jQuery Plugin To Display An Youtube Channel Playlist
- Social Media - 11277 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin which allows you to retrieve and display a playlist from any Youtube user/channel.
Custom Youtube Playlist Player Plugin For jQuery
- Other - 6647 ViewsA jQuery based custom Youtube video player that enables you to create your own playlist from any Youtube videos you specify.
jQuery Plugin For lazy Loading Youtube Videos - youCover
- Other - 8085 ViewsA Youtube lazy loader plugin with jQuery that replaces the default Youtube player with its cover image and loads actual YouTube videos ONLY when needed (click the thumbnail).
jQuery Plugin To 'Turn Off The Light' When Playing Videos - LightsOff
- Other - 2860 ViewsLightsOff is a very small jQuery plugin that brings the 'Turn Off The Lights' experience to your webpage when watching HTML5 videos and/or Youtube/Vimeo videos.
Simple Responsive Youtube Video Modal Plugin With jQuery - YU2FVL
- Other - 14665 ViewsYU2FVL is a lightweight jQuery Plugin that plays any Youtube video in a responsive, fullscreen modal window while keeping the aspect ratio.
jQuery Lightbox Plugin For Youtube Videos - Video Lightning
- LightBox - 70528 ViewsVideo Lightning is a highly customizable jQuery lightbox plugin that allows you to play youtube / vimeo videos in a stylish lightbox interface.
Load And Play Youtube/Vimeo Videos When Needed - embedvideos
- Other - 5522 Viewsembedvideos is a jQuery plugin that gets/displays thumbnails(posters) for Youtube/Vimeo/Kaltura videos and then fetches the heavy iFrame video players only when the thumbnails are clicked.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Youtube Video Controler
- Other - 1790 ViewsYouTube_Controller.js is a jQuery wrapper around the latest Youtube Data API which makes it easier to control the Youtube video player embedded in the document.
Lightweight Vimeo/Youtube Video Popup Plugin For jQuery
- Other - 16749 ViewsYet another jQuery based video popup plugin used to place your embedded Youtube & Vimeo videos in a customizable overlay that covers the entire webpage.
Smart Youtube Video Link Parser - jQuery yt-links-parser
- Other - 1896 Viewsyt-links-parser is a jQuery plugin that parses the Youtube links within your web content and embeds the corresponding video player in your document.
Get & Display Thumbnails For Youtube Videos - jQuery YoutubeCoverPhoto
- Other - 3514 ViewsYoutubeCoverPhoto is a really small jQuery plugin that automatically fetches and displays the highest resolution (or default) thumbnails for your Youtube videos.
jQuery Plugin For Youtube Channel Playlist - YPlaylist
- Social Media - 5599 ViewsYPlaylist is a jQuery Youtube Playlist plugin used to embed Youtube videos into your webpage, with a playlist carousel.
Fast Responsive Video Gallery Plugin For jQuery - speedvault.js
- Gallery - 10930 Viewsspeedvault.js is a jQuery plugin for creating a responsive, performant video gallery to lazy load and play videos from Youtube, Vimeo, and DailyMotion.
Lightweight Youtube Popup Player With jQuery - SimpleYouTubePlayer
- LightBox - 9503 ViewsA simple Youtube player plugin for jQuery that enables you to display/play Youtube videos in a modal-like popup box.
Autoplay Youtube Videos In Bootstrap Modal - jQuery YoutubeModal
- Other - 7412 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin which enables you to open and autoplay Youtube videos in a popup window using Bootstrap modal component.
jQuery Plugin To Replace Youtube Links With Thumbnails - shyt.js
- Other - 1316 Viewsshyt.js is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin which gets and displays video thumbnails to replace the regular Youtube links.
jQuery Plugin For Easy Youtube Video Embedding - EasyEmbed
- Social Media - 2738 ViewsEasyEmbed is a small and fast jQuery plugin which allows you to embed Youtube videos with standard definition thumbnail fallback into your web page.
Responsive Youtube & Vimeo Video Lightbox Plugin - YouTubePopUp
- LightBox - 40704 ViewsYouTubePopUp is a jQuery plugin that displays Youtube and Vimeo videos in a responsive, fullscreen, retina-ready modal window with or without autoplay.
Simple jQuery Youtube Video Gallery Plugin
- Gallery - 29928 ViewsYoutube video gallery is a simple jQuery plugin that allows to tunr a group of youtube videos into a video gallery with thumbnails preview.
jQuery Based Youtube Video Lazy Loader With HD Thumbnail
- Other - 4893 ViewsA jQuery plugin that displays the high quality thumbnail of your Youtube video, and then fetches and loads the Youtube iframe player only when the thumbnail is clicked.
Responsive iFrame Video Embed Plugin With jQuery - Video Embedder
- Layout - 2491 ViewsVideo Embedder is a responsive video embed jQuery plugin which auto resizes iframe embedded videos while preserving the original aspect ratios.
Youtubebackground.js - A Wrapper For The Youtube API
- Other - 3285 ViewsjQuery Youtubebackground.js is a wrapper for the Youtube API, great for fullscreen background videos or just regular videos. 360° Videos are supported as well.
jQuery Plugin To Play / Stop Youtube Videos On Page Scroll
- Other - 47824 ViewsYouTube Inview Autoplay is a jQuery plugin which automatically plays / stops Youtube videos when they become visible and disappear on vertical page scrolling.
jQuery Plugin To Show Photo Streams Form Social Networks
- Social Media - 7508 ViewsSocial Photo Stream is a jQuery plugin which allows you to show photo stream feeds from the most popular social networks including deviantArt, Instagram, Picasa, Pinterest, Flickr, Dribbble, Youtube and FeedBurner.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Youtube Subscribe Button - ytSubscribe
- Other - 2987 ViewsytSubscribe is a very small jQuery plugin which automatically add a custom Youtube Subscribe Button to your Youtube video embedded in the webpage.
Youtube Video Background With Custom Controls - jQuery Zero-TV
- Other - 2543 ViewsZero-TV is a jQuery plugin that allows you to use Youtube videos as a background for your webpage, with support for custom video controls and playlist.
Youtube Video Background With Custom Controls - jQuery ytbgnav.js
- Other - 3939 Viewsytbgnav.js is a jQuery plugin that utilizes Youtube Player API to create a fullscreen Youtube video background with custom controls and playlist for your webpage.
Customizable Youtube Video Background Plugin For jQuery - tubeback
- Other - 1351 Viewstubeback is a highly customizable jQuery video background plugin which uses a YouTube video of your choice into your page as a background.
jQuery Plugin To Embed Youtube Video In Modal Popup - ShowYtVideo
- LightBox - 31627 ViewsShowYtVideo is a lightweight jQuery plugin that makes it easy to embed/display/play a specific Youtube video in a fullscreen modal popup.
jQuery Plugin For Fullscreen YouTube Video Backgrounds - tubular
- Other - 11384 Viewstubular is a simpe jQuery plugin that allows you to use a youTube video as a full-screen dynamic background on your website.
Simplest Youtube Video Background Plugin For jQuery - rsBackVid
- Other - 1418 ViewsrsBackVid is a simple yet customizable jQuery plugin which allows you to use an Youtube video as a fullscreen background for your webpage by using Youtube iframe API.
Youtube Video Modal with jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - YTModal
- Other - 14965 ViewsYTModal helps you play Youtube videos in a popup window based jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap modal component.
jQuery Plugin For Fluid Width Youtube Videos - ModernTube
- Other - 1297 ViewsModernTube is a really simple jQuery plugin for dynamically resizing YouTube iframes to make your embedded Youtube videos responsive across all browsers and devices.
Simple Youtube Video Background Plugin For jQuery - bigYouTube
- Other - 1164 ViewsbigYouTube is a tiny jQuery plugin that allows you use an Youtube video as a video background for any container.
jQuery Plugin For Youtube & Vimeo Video Previews - PreVideoLoad
- Other - 4096 ViewsPreVideoLoad is a super tiny jQuery plugin that gets and displays thumbnail previews of the Youtube or Vimeo videos on the web page.
jQuery Plugin For Embedding Youtube Videos Into Your Webpage - Tubber
- Social Media - 2786 ViewsTubber is a fresh new jQuery plugin for adding Youtube videos & playlist to your webpage using YouTube Data API V3.
jQuery Plugin To Get & Display Youtube Thumbnails
- Other - 2044 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin which uses Youtube API V3 to get all the thumbnails of an Youtube video and display them will an image fallback on your webpage.
jQuery Plugin To Create Animated Youtube Thumbnails - PreViewTube.js
- Other - 2378 ViewsPreViewTube.js is a jQuery plugin that helps you create animated thumbnail images for Youtube Videos.
Lightweight jQuery Youtube Video Player - simplePlayer.js
- Other - 27474 ViewssimplePlayer.js is a jQuery plugin to embed Youtube Videos in your webpage, with custom Play button, screenshot and player controls.
jQuery Plugin for Showing Complete Youtube Channel - Youmax
- Other - 11552 ViewsYoumax is a jQuery plugin shows your actual complete youtube channel on your website just like its shown on youtube.
Lightweight jQuery Youtube Video Lazy Load Plugin - LazyYT.js
- Loading - 7240 ViewsLazyYT.js is a small and fast jQuery plugin for delaying loading of Youtube videos in your website for reducing the page loading time to improve user experiences.
Responsive and Fluid YouTube Videos - fluidvids.js
- Other - 3794 Viewsfluidvids.js is a jQuery plugin for Responsive and Fluid YouTube/Vimeo iframe embeds.
Tiny jQuery Youtube/Vimeo Video Lightbox Plugin - Lightbox Video
- LightBox - 27510 ViewsLightbox Video is a super tiny jQuery plugin to display Youtube or Vimeo videos in a nice-looking lightbox interface.
Lightweight jQuery Plugin To Lazy Load Youtube Videos - Lazy Loader
- Loading - 2909 ViewsYouTube Lazy Loader is a super light (~2kb minified) jQuery plugin used to lazy load & control youtube videos to improve the page load time.
One-Click Social Button Plugin - ClassySocial
- Social Media - 6981 ViewsClassySocial is a jQuery social media plugin that make it easy to let your site visitors easily see what networks you belong to and visit them in a click of a button.
Lightweight and Skinnable jQuery Tooltip Plugin - Tips
- Tooltip - 1787 ViewsTips is a simple and easy to skin jQuery tooltip plugin that extracts tooltip text from 'title' or 'data-tip' attribute.
Easy jQuery Video Controller Plugin
- Other - 4309 ViewsVideo Controller is a jQuery plugin that allows you to control video players and providers (like youtube, HTML5 video, etc) via external methods.
Social Feed Plugin with jQuery - SOCIALIST
- Social Media - 13392 ViewsSOCIALIST is a flexable jQuery Social Media Plugin that enables you to creates a social stream (or social "wall") using AJAX from multiple social media feeds in one place.
Slick and Customizable jQuery Youtube Player Widget - Youtube TV
- Social Media - 14697 ViewsYoutube TV is a slick, lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating a customizable Youtube Player widget on your website.
YouTube Like Left Side Drop Down Menu Effect
- Menu - 12522 ViewsA simple drop down menu based on CSS3 and a few javascript codes, inspired by the left side menu on Youtube when watching a video.
jQuery Plugin To Embed Videos with Lightbox Effects - Video Lightbox
- Other - 6750 ViewsjQuery Video Lightbox plugin allows you to add flv, mp4, 3gp videos from popular 3rd services (Youtube, Facebook, Google Video, Vimeo, MySpace) with cool popup lightbox effects and a lot of gorgeous gallery themes.
jQuery Plugin For Embedded Youtube or HTML5 Videos - PragmaticPlayerJs
- Other - 7463 ViewsPragmaticPlayerJs is a customizable jQuery video plugin that make it easy to embed Youtube or HTML5 Videos into your website or blog.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying YouTube Video Feed - Yunero
- Social Media - 3806 ViewsYunero is a jQuery plugin that creates a widget on your website to display a video feed for YouTube channel uploads or custom playlist with subscription box.