Responsive 3D Image Rotator with jQuery and CSS3 - mk-3Dcarousel

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License: MIT
Responsive 3D Image Rotator with jQuery and CSS3 - mk-3Dcarousel

mk-3Dcarousel is a jQuery & CSS3 based carousel plugin used to create a 'coverflow' style responsive image rotator with 3D perspectives and reflections.

Basic usage:

1. Load the stylesheet mk-3Dcarousel.css in the head section and the JavaScript file mk-3Dcarousel.js at the the bottom of the document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/mk-3Dcarousel.css">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="js/mk-3Dcarousel.js"></script>

2. Add a set of images you want to present into a container element.

<div class="mk-carousel" id="mkCarousel">
  <img class="active" src="1.jpg" alt="">
  <img src="2.jpg" alt="">
  <img src="3.jpg" alt="">
  <img src="4.jpg" alt="">
  <img src="5.jpg" alt="">
  <img src="6.jpg" alt="">
  <img src="7.jpg" alt="">

3. Initialize the 3D carousel plugin and we're done.


4. Plugin's default options.

  responsive: true,
  breakpoint: 768,
  offset: 100,
  mobileOffset: 50,
  leftClass: 'image-left',
  rightClass: 'image-right',
  activeClass: 'active',
  controlNavs: true

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by masoomulhaqs. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.