Responsive Performant Background Slideshow In jQuery

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License: MIT
Responsive Performant Background Slideshow In jQuery

A tiny, responsive, mobile-friendly, and high-performance background slideshow that automatically switches between background images with a cross fade transition effect.

Just provide an array of background images and attach the plugin to the target container and done. The plugin also has the ability to only preload the next image for better performance and user experience.

How to use it:

1. Insert both jQuery library and the jquery-background-slideshow.js script into the HTML document.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/src/jquery-background-slideshow.js"></script>

2. Define an array of images for the backgrounds.

var imgList = [

3. Call the function to enable the background slideshow.

  images: imgList

4. Determine the transition delay. Default: 5 seconds.

  images: imgList
  delay: 3000

5. Determine the duration of the transition effect. Default: 3 seconds.

  images: imgList
  transitionDuration: 5000

6. Determine whether to apply the position: fixed property to the parent container. Default: position: absolute.

  images: imgList
  fixed: true

7. Callback functions which will be fired before/after transition.

  images: imgList
  onBeforeTransition: function (index) {
    console.log("before transition", index)
  onAfterTransition: function (index) {
    console.log("after transition", index)



  • Uses CSS animation instead

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by shaack. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.