Stylish jQuery Slideshow with Cool Transitions - Skitter

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License: MIT
Stylish jQuery Slideshow with Cool Transitions - Skitter

Skitter is a jQuery plugin for creating stylish image slideshows that come with more than 38+ cool transition effects, 4 themes and a lot of options to fit your needs.

More example:

Basic Usage:

1. Load the latest jQuery library and jQuery Skitter plugin on the web page

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="js/jquery.skitter.min.js"></script>

2. Include jQuery easing plugin for easing effects (optional)

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="js/jquery.easing.1.3.js"></script>

3. Include required css file on the page

<link href="css/skitter.styles.css" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />

4. Markup html structure

<div class="box_skitter box_skitter_large">
<li><a href="#cube"><img src="images/example/001.jpg" class="cube" /></a>
<div class="label_text">
<li><a href="#cubeRandom"><img src="images/example/002.jpg" class="cubeRandom" /></a>
<div class="label_text">
<li><a href="#block"><img src="images/example/003.jpg" class="block" /></a>
<div class="label_text">
<li><a href="#cubeStop"><img src="images/example/004.jpg" class="cubeStop" /></a>
<div class="label_text">

5. Call the plugin with options

$(document).ready(function() {
    theme: 'clean', // minimalist, round, clean, square
    numbers_align: 'center', // Alignment of numbers/dots/thumbs
    progressbar: true, // Displays progress bar
    dots: true, // Navigation with dots
    preview: true // Preview with dots

6. All the options


  // Animation velocity
  velocity: 1,

  // Interval between transitions
  interval: 2500, 

  // Default animation
  animation: '',

  // Numbers display
  numbers: false,

  // Navigation display
  navigation: false,

  // Label display
  label: true,

  // Easing default
  easing_default: '',

  // The skitters box (internal)
  skitter_box: null,

  // @deprecated
  time_interval: null,

  // Image link (internal)
  images_links: null,

  // Actual image (internal)
  image_atual: null,

  // Actual link (internal)
  link_atual: null,

  // Actual label (internal)
  label_atual: null,

  // Actual target (internal)
  target_atual: '_self',

  // Skitter width (internal)
  width_skitter: null,

  // Skitter height (internal)
  height_skitter: null,

  // Image number loop (internal)
  image_i: 1,

  // Is animating (internal)
  is_animating: false,

  // Is hover skitter_box (internal)
  is_hover_skitter_box: false,

  // Smart randomly (internal)
  random_ia: null,

  // Randomly sliders
  show_randomly: false,

  // Navigation with thumbs
  thumbs: false,

  // Hide numbers and navigation
  hide_tools: false,

  // Fullscreen mode
  fullscreen: false,

  // Loading data from XML file
  xml: false,

  // Navigation with dots
  dots: true,

  // Final opacity of elements in hide_tools
  opacity_elements: 0.75,

  // Interval animation hover elements hide_tools 
  interval_in_elements: 200, 

  // Interval animation out elements hide_tools
  interval_out_elements: 300, 

  // Onload Callback
  onLoad: null,

  // Function call to change image
  imageSwitched: null,

  // @deprecated
  max_number_height: 20,

  // Alignment of numbers/dots/thumbs
  numbers_align: 'center',

  // Preview with dots
  preview: false,

  // Focus slideshow
  focus: false,

  // Focus active (internal)
  foucs_active: false,

  // Option play/pause manually
  controls: false,

  // Displays progress bar
  progressbar: false,

  // CSS progress bar
  progressbar_css: {},

  // Is paused (internal)
  is_paused: false,

  // Is blur (internal)
  is_blur: false,

  // Is paused time (internal)
  is_paused_time: false,

  // Time start (internal)
  time_start: 0,

  // Elapsed time (internal)
  elapsedTime: 0,

  // Stop animation to move mouse over it.
  stop_over: true,

  // Enable navigation keys
  enable_navigation_keys: false,

  // Specific animations
  with_animations: [],

  // Function call to go over the navigation buttons
  // mouseOverButton: function() { $(this).stop().animate({opacity:0.5}, 200); }, 
  mouseOverButton: null, 

  // Function call to go out the navigation buttons
  // mouseOutButton: function() { $(this).stop().animate({opacity:1}, 200); }, 
  mouseOutButton: null, 

  // Sets whether the slideshow will start automatically
  auto_play: true, 

  // Label animation type
  label_animation: 'slideUp', 

  // Theme
  theme: null, 

  responsive: {
    small: {
      animation: 'fade',
      max_width: 768
    medium: {
      max_width: 1024




  • v5.1.8: Bugs fixed.


  • v5.1.5


  • v5.1.4


  • v5.0.3


  • v5.0.2: bugfixes


  • Bugfix: function browser removed


  • Fixed a bug and improvements in the rotation animation.


  • Bug fix: change live function to on
  • Remove old jquery

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by thiagosf. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.