Nice Social Share Buttons with Counters - jQuery SharePage

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License: MIT
Nice Social Share Buttons with Counters - jQuery SharePage

SharePage is a jQuery social sharing plugin that shows nice custom social share buttons with counters to share your webpage on popular social networks: Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and VK.

How to use it:

1. Include the stylesheet jquery.flex-images.css in the <head> section of your HTML document, and the JavsScript file jquery.flex-images.min.js after loading jQuery library.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.sharepage.css">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.sharepage.js"></script>

2. Create a container to place the social share buttons.

<div id="share-buttons"></div>

3. Initialize the plugin to generate social buttons with counters inside the container.


4. That's it. The plugin allows you to share the current page on social networks by default. You can also specify the page url and web content you want to share.

  networks: ["linkedin", "facebook", "twitter", "googleplus", "vk", "unknown"],
  url: "",
  title: "SharePage example title",
  source: "SharePage example page",
  width: 650,
  height: 600,
  design: "buttons"

Change log:


  • minor fix


  • Facebook counter fix



  • Added icons only parameter

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by mikehoh. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.