Generate Custom Social Share Buttons With jQuery C Share Plugin
File Size: | 42.4 KB |
Views Total: | 15839 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
The C Share jQuery plugin lets you dynamically generate social share buttons from popular social networks to increase social media engagement.
Requires jQuery and Font Awesome.
Supported social media networks:
- Line
- Plurk
- Tumblr
Install & Download:
# Yarn $ yarn add jquery-plugin-c-share # NPM $ npm install jquery-plugin-c-share --save
How to use it:
1. Include the needed jQuery JavaScript library and Font Awesome Iconic Font on the page.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-jLuaxTTBR42U2qJ/pm4JRouHkEDHkVqH0T1nyQXn1mZ7Snycpf6Rl25VBNthU4z0" crossorigin="anonymous"> <script src="" integrity="sha384-q8i/X+965DzO0rT7abK41JStQIAqVgRVzpbzo5smXKp4YfRvH+8abtTE1Pi6jizo" crossorigin="anonymous"> </script>
2. Download and include the JavaScript c-share.min.js
after jQuery.
<script src="js/c-share.js"></script>
3. Create an element to hold the social share buttons.
<div id="shareBlock"></div>
4. Call the function on the container element and specify the social media networks you want to use.
$('#shareBlock').cShare({ showButtons: [ 'fb', 'line', 'plurk', 'weibo', 'twitter', 'tumblr', 'email' ] });
5. Specify the content you want to share.
$('#shareBlock').cShare({ description: 'Content To Share', });
6. Set the space between social share buttons. Default: 6px.
$('#shareBlock').cShare({ spacing: 10 });
7. Customize the Share To text.
$('#shareBlock').cShare({ shareToText: 'Share to' });
8. Customize the share buttons.
$('#shareBlock').cShare({ data: { fb: { fa: 'fab fa-facebook-f', name: 'Fb', href: (url) => { return `${url}` }, show: true }, line: { fa: 'fab fa-line fa-2x', name: 'Line', href: (url) => { return `${url}` }, show: true, hideWrapper: true }, plurk: { fa: 'fa-plurk', name: 'Plurk', href: (url, description) => { return `${description} ${url}` }, show: false }, weibo: { fa: 'fab fa-weibo', name: '微博', href: (url, description) => { return `${description}&url=${url}` }, show: false }, twitter: { fa: 'fab fa-twitter', name: 'Twitter', href: (url, description) => { return `${url}&url=${url}&text=${description}` }, show: false }, tumblr: { fa: 'fab fa-tumblr', name: 'Tumblr', href: (url, description) => { return `${description} ${url}&url=${url}` }, show: false }, email: { fa: 'fas fa-envelope', name: 'E-mail', href: (url, description) => { return `mailto:?subject=${description}&body=${description} ${url}` }, show: false } }, });
v1.2.1 (2023-12-12)
- Add noopener for
v1.2.0 (2020-10-19)
- Update LINE share base url
- Remove G+, pinterest buttons
v1.1.0 (2019-04-02)
- Add option shareToText
- Change option show_buttons to showButtons
- v1.0.4
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by ycs77. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.