Free jQuery Animated Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Animated' are listed here.
Animated Responsive Image Grid Plugin
- Gallery - 21486 ViewsAnimated Responsive Image Grid is a Jquery Plugin allows you to create a image gallery with grid that can switch images using different animations and timings.
Gas Pump Style Clock with jQuery
- Time & Clock - 3115 ViewsA javascript library for jQuery that helps you create an animated clock in the style of Gas Pump.
jQuery Gallery Plugin with Animated Shine Effects - ShineTime
- Gallery - 8167 ViewsShineTime is a cool plugin built with jQuery and CSS3 that allows you to create a nice looking photo gallery with animated shine effects.
Animated Image Overlay Plugin with jQuery - ImageOverlay
- Layout - 1857 ViewsImageOverlay is a jQuery Plugin that allows you add a animated Overlay effect to your image to provide more informations about it when mouse hovers over.
Pure CSS3 Animated Sliding Menu
- CSS3 & Html5 - 4803 ViewsA Fancy Menu Effect using css3 transitions and the general sibling combinator selector that allows you to create a sliding menu with Lavalamp-like effect.
Animated Content Hover Effect with jQuery
- Animation - 12190 ViewsA lightweight and useful jQuery Plugin that shows hidden content on top of an element when the mouse hovers over it.
Fluid Asymmetrical Animated Grid Plugin - flex
- Layout - 2738 ViewsjQuery.flex is a pinterest like layout plugin built with jQuery that allows you to create a Fluid Asymmetrical Animated Grid Layout.
Animated Digital Clock Plugin with jQuery and CSS3
- Time & Clock - 12135 ViewsA jQuery Plugin for creating animated Digital Clock with date and time. It is simple and easy to use.
jQuery Animated Bar Plugin - jqBar
- Chart & Graph - 12679 ViewsjqBar is a jQuery plugin that make it easy to create Horizontal or Vertical for your project. It can be used as a progress bar or beautiful bar charts.
Slick Animated Drop-Down Headers Plugin - bounceThis
- Layout - 1396 ViewsbounceThis is a jQuery Plugin for creating slick animated drop-down headers that gracefully drop into the page on-load. It is cross-browser compatible, so that your visitors using Internet Explorer can see the new header.
Animated Mouseover Effect with jQuery
- Slideshow - 2567 ViewsThis jQuery Plugin will create a jQuery Animated Mouseover Effect using PARALLAX style.
Animated Fullscreen Background Image Slideshow
- Slideshow - 6970 ViewsAn animated fullscreen background image slideshow built with jQuery and CSS3. It features image preloading and keyboard navigation (try pressing the numeric keys).
Pure CSS3 Navigation Menu with Animated Effect
- CSS3 & Html5 - 6465 ViewsA simple navigation menu with pure CSS that make it easy to create your own Animated navigation menu for your website.
Image Color Up Plugin with jQuery
- Gallery - 2275 ViewsA jQuery Image Color Up Plugin that allows you to add beautiful hover effects to your images. It comes with 5 animated effects: monochrome, sepia, negative, darkened or lightened.
Animated Image Slider Plugin - iView
- Slider - 5818 ViewsiView is a beautiful and easy-to-use jQuery Image Slider Plugin with animated captions, responsive layout and HTML Elements like (Video, iFrame) slider.
Cool Animated Menu with jQuery
- Menu - 1532 ViewsA Cool Animated Menu with jQuery that features a cool label image that slides into place under each navigation item on hover.
Animated Hover Tooltip Plugin with Jquery
- Tooltip - 9261 ViewsA simple animated hover tooltip JQuery plugin that easily adds tooltip interaction to HTML element that requires a bit more information than a title attribute.
Animated Hover Effect with jQuery
- Animation - 6369 ViewsAnimated Hover Effect with jQuery that can Animate an image while hovering it and show the visitors information while doing that.
Animated Text and Icon Menu with jQuery
- Menu - 3469 ViewsAn Animated Text and Icon Menu plugin built with jQuery that allows you to create a slick menu with a nice animation feature on hover.
Animated Parallax Effect Background - jQuery4u
- Animation - 3153 ViewsjQuery4u is a jQuery Parallax Effect Plugin that allows you to create Animated Header Background for your webpage.
Pure CSS3 Animated Boxes
- CSS3 & Html5 - 2916 ViewsA set of featured boxes using CSS3 custom animations that will create a nice text flying effect when you move your mouse over them.
Mac-OSX-Like Animated Folder Efffect
- Animation - 1687 ViewsMac-OSX-Like Animated Folder Efffect using CSS3 3D transforms, gradients and box shadows.
Smooth Animated Menu
- Menu - 2436 ViewsA Smooth Animated jQuery Menu using jQuery Easing plugin. Rollover a menu item to expand it.
Animated Circular Motion Effect Menu
- Menu - 4495 ViewsAnimated Circular Motion Effect Menu creates a circular motion effect with jQuery by using the jQuery.