Free jQuery scale Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'scale' are listed here.
Image Parallax/Blur/Scale Effects In jQuery - Parallax
- Animation - 1871 ViewsA fresh new jQuery parallax plugin that applies a configurable and smooth parallax scrolling animations to images on scroll, plus blur and scale effects.
Modern Animation Plugin With jQuery And CSS3 - EnlivenTricks.js
- Animation - 2564 ViewsThe EnlivenTricks.js jQuery plugin provides 6 modern animations (fade, shake, scale, swap, loading and morphing) for DOM elements using jQuery and CSS3.
jQuery Plugin To Create Simple CSS3 Animations - tween.js
- Animation - 2956 Viewstween.js is a jQuery based animation plugin which provides an easy way to create cross-browser CSS3 animations with support of easing effects.
jQuery Plugin To Animate Elements On Mouse Move - anm
- Animation - 10247 Viewsanm is a lightweight jQuery plugin to animate a group of elements using JavaScript and CSS3 transforms that react to viewer's cursor.
jQuery Plugin For Simple Html Element Scrolling Effects - scrollme
- Animation - 7479 Viewsscrollme is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin which allows to scale, rotate, translate and change the opacity of Html elements as you scroll down/up the web page.
jQuery Funciton To Zoom Any Element Using CSS3 - ZoomElem
- Zoom - 1282 ViewsZoomElem is a jQuery based function which allows you to scale any kind of Html elements using CSS3 transform property.
Easy jQuery Image Auto Resizing and Alignment Plugin - Image Scale
- Layout - 7 ViewsA useful and easy-to-implement jQuery plugin that automatically resizes and aligns your image to fit within its container with many scale and alignment options.
jQuery Plugin To Transform DOM Elements On Web Page - Free Transform
- Other - 3531 ViewsFree Transform is a plugin for jQuery that allows you to rotate, move, scale a DOM element on your web page, similar to the transform tool in Adobe Photoshop and Flash.
jQuery Plugin For Dragging, Rotating and Scaling Elements - touch.js
- Mobile - 11479 Viewstouch.js is a simple jQuery plugin that makes elements draggable, rotatable and scalable on touch devices.
Item Blur Effect with CSS3 and jQuery
- Animation - 2122 ViewsBy using CSS3 Box Shadows, Transform and Transitions, we can create a simple blur effect for text-based items.The item in focus will scale up.