Modern Animation Plugin With jQuery And CSS3 - EnlivenTricks.js

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Modern Animation Plugin With jQuery And CSS3 - EnlivenTricks.js

The EnlivenTricks.js jQuery plugin provides 6 modern animations (fade, shake, scale, swap, loading and morphing) for DOM elements using jQuery and CSS3.

How to use it:

1. Import jQuery library and the EnlivenTricks.js jQuery plugin's files into the html file.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="EnlivenTricks.css">
<script src="" 
<script src="EnlivenTricks.js"></script>

2. Apply a fade animation to an element. Possible parameters:

  • duration: the duration of the animation
  • disappear: removes the element after fade out
  • mode: fade in or fade out
  duration: 500, 
  disappear: false,
  mode: 'in'

3. Apply a shake animation to an element. Possible parameters:

  • times: the number of times to shake
  • wrapper: wrapper element
  times: 6
  wrapper: false

4. Apply a scale animation to an element on hover.


5. Apply a swap animation to an element. Possible parameters:

  • revert: reverts the animation
  • vertical: makes the animation vertical
  • next: next element to swap
  • callback: callback function
  revert: false, 
  vertical: false, 
  next: null,
  callback: function() {return;}

6. Apply a loading animation to an element. Possible parameters:

  • color: animation color
  • appearance: 'square', 'flash', 'disk', 'spinner', 'fixed-spinner', 'classic-spinner', and 'simple'
  • position: custom position
  • delayHandler: interger, 'infinite', or execute a function when loading
  color: 'white',
  appearance: 'simple',
  position: { left: '42%', right: 0, bottom: 0, top: 0 },
  delayHandler: 5000

7. Morph an icon to another Possible parameters:

  • next: next icon
  • appearance: 'rotate', 'vibrate', 'flip', 'fade', or 'huff'
  // ...



  • Fixing DOM access initialization in MagicTrick


  • Added morphing animation for icons.


  • refactoring loader factory
  • [Feature] Initializing icons morphing


  • refactor


  • added more loading spinners


  • [FIX] Decreasing shake times max val


  • Enlarging spinner loader size
  • Added loading animation.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by hupiat. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.