Free jQuery fade Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'fade' are listed here.
Add Smooth Fade & Slide Effects To Elements With FadeScroll.js
- Animation - 1460 ViewsA lightweight JavaScript plugin that adds subtle fade and slide effects to elements as they scroll into view.
Shuffle Images With Fade In/Out Animations - jQuery serialshuffle
- Animation - 1916 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin to randomly shuffle images in a grid with fading in/out animation effects.
Flexible and Beautiful Tooltip Plugin - powertip
- Tooltip - 6687 Viewspowertip is a jQuery based Flexible and Beautiful Tooltip Plugin which supports for complex data.
Fade In Animations On Scroll Or On Page Load Using jQuery
- Animation - 4075 ViewsA lightweight jQuery animation plugin that applies a fade-in animation to elements on document ready or when they become visible on the page.
Modern Animation Plugin With jQuery And CSS3 - EnlivenTricks.js
- Animation - 2563 ViewsThe EnlivenTricks.js jQuery plugin provides 6 modern animations (fade, shake, scale, swap, loading and morphing) for DOM elements using jQuery and CSS3.
jQuery Plugin To Fade In Html Elements - Random Fade In
- Animation - 4719 ViewsRandom Fade In is a simple jQuery plugin that randomly fades a set of elements in and out of visibility using jQuery fadeIn() API.
Configurable Fading Animations For Text - jQuery TextFade
- Animation - 1192 ViewsTextFade is a lightweight jQuery text animation plugin which shows and hides text with random or sequential fade in and fade out animations.
FadeIn & FadeOut Animations Between Pages - pageCrossfade
- Animation - 4552 ViewspageCrossfade is a jQuery plugin which uses CSS3 animation / opacity properties to create a subtle crossfade (fade in/out) effect when the user switches between webpages.
Lightweight Customizable Lightbox Plugin - ColorBox
- LightBox - 30489 ViewsColorBox is a Lightweight Customizable Lightbox Plugin built with jQuery that allows you to display elements with the lightbox effect on the page. It supports photos, grouping, slideshow, ajax, inline, and iframed content.
FadeIn & FadeOut Animations With jQuery And CSS3 - fadecss3.js
- Animation - 2972 Viewsfadecss3.js is a jQuery plugin to enhance the default jQuery .fadeIn() and fadeOut() methods that allow you to fade in or fade out a specified element using CSS3 animations.
jQuery Animated Text Plugin - Audero Flashing Text
- Text - 3429 ViewsAudero Flashing Text is a simple jQuery plugin that enables you to display a group of text with flashing, randomly-placed, and randomly-sized effects.
Simple and Clean jQuery Tooltip Plugin - tips.js
- Tooltip - 9160 Viewstips.js is a lightweight and skinnable jQuery plugin to create multiple types of tooltips attached to any html elements, with a simple fade animation.
jQuery Plugin To Animate In DOM Elements In Sequence - jAnim
- Animation - 1574 ViewsA jQuery plugin used to animate in a set of DOM elements sequentially with fade or flip effects powered by CSS3 transitions and transforms.
jQuery Plugin To Fade In Elements When Scrolling Down - FadeInScroll
- Animation - 12790 ViewsFadeInScroll is a minimal jQuery plugin that applies a fade-in animation on your Html elements when they're scrolled into view, similar to the lazy load effect.
jQuery Plugin For Consecutive Fade and Slide Animations
- Animation - 1553 ViewsConsecutive is an extremely simple jQuery plugin which allows you to apply consecutive fade or slide animations on a series of DIV elements.
jQuery Plugin To Fade In Elements On Page Load - FadeInAmate
- Animation - 4524 ViewsFadeInAmate is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to fade in elements sequentially with a custom slide down animation when the page loads.
Simple jQuery Plugin To Animate Html Elements - jAnimator
- Animation - 1169 ViewsjAnimator is a simple and easy jQuery plugin to animate (shake or fade) Html elements with custom triggers by using CSS3 transforms.
jQuery Plugin To Fade Out Element On Scroll - VOpacity
- Animation - 3141 ViewsVOpacity is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to fade out Html elements by adding CSS opacity property (0~1) when they're scrolled out of the viewport.
Simple jQuery Plugin To Fade Out Panels As You Scroll Down
- Animation - 6270 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin used to fade content panels with a background parallax effect as you scroll past them.
Animated & Customizable jQuery Tooltip Plugin - darktooltip
- Tooltip - 4682 Viewsdarktooltip is a jQuery and CSS3 based tooltip plugin for creating highly configurable, themeable and animated tooltips on any html elements.
jQuery Plugin For Element Fade/Slide Effects As You Scroll - FadeThis
- Animation - 43599 ViewsFadeThis is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to create fade/slide animations when Html elements come in (or out of) the viewport.
Animate Elements In When They Come Into View - jQuery CSS3 Animate It Plugin
- Animation - 99905 ViewsCSS3 Animate It is a jQuery plugin that makes use of CSS3 animations to animate Html elements in when they come into view.
Easy Animated Tooltip Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 Transforms
- Tooltip - 1872 ViewsA super simple jQuery plugin that create an animated tooltip from title attribute using fancy CSS3 animations.
jQuery Plugin To Fade In Elements When They Enter The Viewport - Lazy View
- Animation - 4306 ViewsLazy View is a super tiny jQuery plugin to smoothly fade in Html elements as they come into view, a little similar to the content lazy loading effects.
Secret App-Style Text Fade Animation with jQuery and CSS3 - Revealing.js
- Text - 2839 ViewsRevealing.js is a jQuery plugin to reveal your text letter-by-letter (or any Html blocks) with a custom fade-in animation based on CSS3 transitions, inspired from Secret App.
Minimal jQuery Tooltip Plugin - Globalliance Tooltip
- Tooltip - 909 ViewsGloballiance Tooltip is a simple yet fully customizable jQuery plugin for creating tooltips with fade in/out effects on any Html elements using data-tt attribute.
Tiny Responsive jQuery Fade Slider Plugin - Bliss Slider
- Slideshow - 6462 ViewsBliss Slider is a small jQuery plugin that provides a simple way to create a fully responsive slideshow/slider with navigation and content fade in/out effects.
Simple Responsive Fading Image Slideshow Plugin with JQuery - slidify
- Slideshow - 7079 Viewsslidify is a lightweight & easy jQuery plugin for creating a responsive image slideshow/carousel with fading transition effects and support of autoplay, infinite loop and custom themes.
Stylish jQuery Image Gallery Plugin - Super Gallery
- Gallery - 7529 ViewsSuper Gallery is an easy-to-use and cross-browser jQuery plugin for creating a stylish image gallery with thumbnails preview and smooth transition effects.
Ultra-Light jQuery Fading Image Slideshow Plugin - DIY Slideshow
- Slideshow - 3332 ViewsDiy Slideshow is an extremely simple jQuery plugin to create a responsive & full width image slideshow with a simple fade transition effect.
jQuery Plugin For Reordering and Filtering Html Elements - filter.js
- Layout - 3430 Viewsfilter.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that allows to dynamically filter and reorder sets of html elements with fade-in and fade-out aniamtions.
Simple jQuery Auto Loop Image Slideshow Plugin
- Slideshow - 2807 ViewsJust another jQuery image slideshow plugin that features auto play, infinite loop, pause on hover and fade in/out transitions.
Creating A Simple Fade In Effect On Page Load With jQuery
- Animation - 9618 ViewsA jQuery solution provides a simple way to create a fade in/out effect on page load that can be apply on the entire page or a specific element.
Super Simple jQuery Slideshow Plugin with Crossfade Effects - Nicefade
- Slideshow - 1322 ViewsNicefade is an extremely simple and lightweight jQuery plugin helps you create a clean Html content slideshow with crossfade animation.
jQuery Plugin For Long Content Slidshow - Content Paginator
- Slideshow - 3036 ViewsContent Paginator is a jQuery plugin that divides/paginates long text content into several slides and displays them as a slideshow with next/prev navigation and simple fade in/out transitions.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Html Select Replacement - Simple Select
- Form - 1160 ViewsSimple Select is a jQuery based alternative to the regular html select element that allows to fully customize via CSS, options, methods and events.
jQuery Plugin To Fade In/Out Html Elements - jQFader
- Animation - 1739 ViewsjQFader is a minimal jQuery animation plugin used to fade in/out Html elements sequentially or randomly at a certain speed.
Basic jQuery Image Slideshow Plugin with Auto Play - btSlider
- Slideshow - 3447 ViewsbtSlider is a really simple jQuery plugin that provides an easiest way to create an auto-play image slider/slideshow with fade in/out effects.
Fancy Responsive jQuery & Html5 Image Carousel Plugin
- Slider - 4090 ViewsJust another lightweight jQuery & HTML5 based slider plugin to create a fancy responsive image carousel with fade effects and arrows/dots navigation.
Easy Image Slideshow Plugin with Fade-in Effect - EzFade
- Slideshow - 7916 ViewsEzFade is an easy and fast jQuery plugin for creating an image slideshow with a simple fade-in transition effect and image pre-loader support.
Lightweight jQuery Fade In/Out Slideshow - Fade Through
- Slideshow - 2216 ViewsFade Through is a small jQuery plugin which enables you to rotate any Html elements with fade in/out effects like a slideshow.
Tiny jQuery Image Carousel with Fade Animation - Fader
- Slider - 5873 ViewsFader is a simple and lightweight jQuery plugin for creating an image carousel that features auto play, infinite loop and adjustable fade animation.
Lightweight jQuery Background Slideshow Plugin - BgSwitcher
- Slideshow - 26722 ViewsjQuery BgSwitcher is a lightweight jQuery plugin that switches the background-image with some animation/easing effects and options.
Basic jQuery Image Slider with Fade In Effect
- Slider - 8032 ViewsA very basic and lightweight jQuery plugin to create an image slider/slideshow with a simple fade-in effect.
Tiny jQuery Slider Plugin with Keyboard Support - SimpleSlider
- Slider - 1234 ViewsSimpleSlider is a minimal jQuery slider plugin that supports custom fade animation, auto play, pause on hover, arrow keys navigation, pager, and next/prev arrow buttons.
Minimal jQuery Image Slideshow with Fade Effects - Photo Fader
- Slideshow - 1283 ViewsPhoto Fader is a super light and easy jQuery plugin to fade in/out a set of photos at a certain interval as an image slideshow.
Customizable jQuery Slideshow/Carousel Plugin - sliders.js
- Slideshow - 3047 Viewssliders.js is a powerful jQuery slider resolution to create slideshow/carousel with lots of options/methods to customize.
jQuery Plugin For Image Fade-in Effect On Page Load - neatshowjs
- Animation - 1387 ViewsNeatshow.js is an ultra-light jQuery plugin gives your image a fade-in animation when it has been loaded.
Minimal jQuery Text Rotator with Fade Animations - News Feed
- Rotator - 3570 ViewsNews Feed is a really simple jQuery text rotator plugin that rotates an array of text links with fade-in and fade-out aniamtions, which can be used as a news feed widget on your website.
Creating A Extremely Simple Image Slideshow Using jQuery
- Slideshow - 1337 ViewsAn extremely simple jQuery slider plugin used to create a image slideshow with fade-in and fade-out transitions.
Simple jQuery Image Rotator Plugin - imageRotator
- Rotator - 2397 ViewsimageRotator is a tiny & cross browser jQuery plugin for displaying a set of your images as a slideshow with a simple fade-in effect.
jQuery Plugin For Preloading Html Elements with Fade Effect - Fadeloader
- Loading - 6884 ViewsFadeloader is a simple jQuery plugin that allows to pre-load any Html elements in your document or section, with a cascade fade-in effect.
Flexible jQuery Animated Modal Window Plugin - moaModal
- LightBox - 4043 ViewsmoaModal is a clean and neat jQuery plugin for creating flexible modal boxes with custom animation effects and positioning.
Powerful and Versatile jQuery Animation Plugin - Showcase
- Animation - 2295 ViewsShowcase is a jQuery plugin which provides 60+ animation settings for creating Bokeh Animations,image mapping, chained lightboxes,hover effects,website tours, galleries, and much more.
Powerful and Versatile jQuery Animation Plugin - Showcase
- Animation - 1 ViewsShowcase is a jQuery plugin which provides 60+ animation settings for creating Bokeh Animations,image mapping, chained lightboxes,hover effects,website tours, galleries, and much more.
Easy & Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin - wmuSlider
- Slider - 7943 ViewswmuSlider is an easy and fast jQuery plugin that allows you to create a clean and responsive Carousel / Slider with fade and slide animations.
Flexible and Simple jQuery Slidshow Plugin - Choco Slider
- Slideshow - 2091 ViewsChoco Slider is a super simple and fast jQuery plugin for creating a customizable image slideshow which is compatible with all browsers today.
Pretty Modal Window Effects with CSS3 Transitions and Animations
- LightBox - 45894 ViewsIn this tutorial written by MARY LOU we're going to create Pretty Modal Window Effects with javascrtipt and CSS3 Transitions & Animations.
jQuery Plugin For Neat Web Notification - WNF
- Other - 850 ViewsWNF is a jQuery based web notification fallback plugin that allows your web site or web app to degrade gracefully while you're using the newest HTML5 Web Notification API.
jQuery Plugin For Text Transition Animations - Textualizer
- Text - 3145 ViewsTextualizer is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to transition through blurbs of text.
Animated Text Opening Sequence with jQuery and CSS3
- Text - 3111 ViewsIt takes advantage of CSS3 animations and jQuery lettering plugin to help create animated text opening sequence on your web page.
jQuery Plugin For Sliding Box with Image Overlay Effect - Mosaic
- Layout - 9173 ViewsMosaic is an awesome and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that automatically generates sliding boxes with animated image overlay effects.
Dynamic Fading Effect Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI - FadeOver
- Animation - 1473 ViewsFadeOver is a jQuery and jQuery UI based plugin that enables you to add dynamic fade in/out effects to html elements like image, text, button,etc.
Super Tiny jQuery Slideshow Plugin - omHDP
- Slideshow - 583 ViewsomHDP is a super simple but useful jQuery plugin that make it easier to create a slideshow with animation effects and optional auto-play functionality.
jQuery Plugin For Revealing Alternative Content On Hover Over - Hover Panels
- Animation - 3285 ViewsHover Panels is a lightweight, touch ready and cross browser jQuery plugin that allows you to display alternative content with animated fade effect when mouse hovers over.
Simple Content Sliding Plugin with Fade Animation - KISS.Animate
- Slider - 3212 ViewsKISS.Animate (Keep It Simple Stupid Animate) is a simple jQuery plugin which allows you to slide content with transition fading effects.
Super Simple jQuery Modal Plugin - Basic Modal
- LightBox - 1853 ViewsBasic Modal is a lightweight (~3kb) and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to create the most basic modal with fade or slideDown animation effects on the page.
Simple Slide and Fade Out Html Elements Plugin with jQuery
- Animation - 948 ViewsA lightweight and easy to set up jquery plugin that enables you to slide and fade out html elements randomly in a container.
jQuery Simple Controls Image Gallery Plugin
- Gallery - 2283 ViewsSimple Controls Gallery is a super simple jQuery gallery plugin that rotates and displays a group of images as an slidershow, with fading and overlay effects.
jQuery Plugin for Fade-in and Fade-out HTML5 Audio - fadeaudio
- Other - 4821 Viewsfadeaudio is a jQuery Html5 audio controller plugin that allows you to fade your HTML5 audio in or out.
Simple Text Rotation Plugin - billboard
- Rotator - 3823 Viewsbillboard is a jQuery plugin that allows you to rotate texts with fade in and out effect within any element of your page.
Simple Slideshow Plugin For jQuery - fadeSlideShow
- Slideshow - 2961 ViewsfadeSlideShow is a lightweight and fast slidershow plugin built with jQuery that makes it easier to create an images slideshow with image fade effect and auto play function.
Elements Inner Fade Plugin - InnerFade
- Animation - 1592 ViewsInnerFade is a small plugin built with jQuery that able to fade any element inside a container in and out. These elements could be anything you want, e.g. images, list-items, divs.