Create A Rolling End Credits Effect In jQuery - Roll Credits

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Create A Rolling End Credits Effect In jQuery - Roll Credits

Roll Credits makes use of jQuery to help you create scrolling end credits on the webpage to list complete names and corresponding titles. Similar to the vertical text scroller with a fade in/out animation effect.

How to use it:

1. Create a screen container on the webpage as follow:

<div id="screen">

2. Load the needed jQuery library on the webpage.

<script src="//"></script>

3. Define arrays of names and corresponding titles.

// Add all names here
var names = [
"Alfredo  Hawkins",
"Rex  Harris",
"Renee  Barber",
"Fernando Lamb",
"Monique  Holmes",
"Kristen  Smith",
"Nicholas Allen",
"Merle  Reeves",
"Rodolfo  Gregory",
"Jeffery  Foster",
"Jackie Hubbard",
"Arlene Hopkins",
"Amos Sanchez",
"Judy Peterson",
"Kerry  Wallace",
"Lori Murphy",
"Leon Perez",
"Tammy  Snyder",
"Loretta  Fitzgerald",
"Jan  Silva"

// Add corresponding title here
var titles = [
  "Executive Producer",
  "Executive Producer",
  "Screen Writer",
  "Screen Writer",
  "Art Director",
  "Lighting Director",
  "Camera Crew",
  "Sound Crew",
  "Costume Designer",
  "Score Composer",
  "Stunt Director",
  "Animation Director",
  "Location Consultant",
  "Lead Makeup",
  "Lead Hair",
  "Script Supervisor",
  "Prop Master"

4. The core JavaScript to active the rolling credit effect.

function writeName(){

  var i = 0,

  var interval = setInterval(function() {
                   employee = '.employee.' + i;
                   name = '.name.' + i;
                   title = '.title.' + i;
                   $('<div></div>').appendTo('#screen').addClass('employee '+i);
                   $('<h4></h4>').appendTo(employee).addClass('title '+i);
                   $('<h2></h2>').appendTo(employee).addClass('name '+i);
                   if(i >= names.length) clearInterval(interval);
                 }, 4000);


function fadeInText(){
  var i = 0;
  if (i < 150){
  var interval =  setInterval(function(){
                    $('h2').css('opacity', '+=0.01');
                    $('h4').css('opacity', '+=0.01');


function scrollText(){
   var interval = setInterval(function(){
                     $('.employee').css('bottom', '+=1px');
                     $('.employee').css('opacity', '-=0.0025');
                   }, 50);


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by mlabita37. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.