Dynamic AJAX-enabled Tag Cloud Plugin - jquery.tagcloud.js

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License: MIT
Dynamic AJAX-enabled Tag Cloud Plugin - jquery.tagcloud.js

A lightweight, dynamic, AJAX-enabled jQuery tag cloud plugin that provides a great way to display a list of keywords and topics related to your website. 

With this plugin, you can add a tag cloud to any web page easily and quickly by embedding some simple mark-up into the desired location within the HTML code. 

How to use it:

1. Create an empty container for the tag cloud.

<div id="tagcloud">

2. Download the plugin and load the jquery.tagcloud.js after jQuery.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/jquery.tagcloud.js"></script>

3. Define your tag list in an array of objects as follows.

var tags = [
      tag: "jQuery",
      count: 56
      tag: "mobile",
      count :12
      tag: "JavaScript",
      count :24
      tag: "CSS",
      count :38
      tag: "HTML",
      count :44
      tag: "Ruby",
      count :9
      tag: "Python",
      count :23
      tag: "Com",
      count :12

4. Initialize the plugin to generate a default tag cloud.

  // options here

5. Apply your own CSS styles to the tag links.

.tagcloudlink {
  /* ... */

6. Fetch your tag list via AJAX requests.

$.ajax('/path/to/tag/list/').done(function(response)) {
  $("#tagcloud").tagCloud(response.tags, {
    // options here

7. Handle click event.

  click: function(tag) {
    // do something

8. Customize the tag sort function.

  sort: function (a, b) {return a.tag < b.tag ? -1 : (a.tag == b.tag ? 0 : 1)},

9. Override the default tag template. Default: false.

  template: '<a href="{href}" class="tagcloudlink" style="font-size: {size}em">{tag}<\/a>'

10. Set the max font size (em). Default: 4em.

  maxFontSize: 2,

11. Set the min/max count values.

  min: -1,
  max: -1,

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by timgws. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.