Animated Random Tag Cloud Plugin For jQuery - tag-cloud.js

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License: MIT
Animated Random Tag Cloud Plugin For jQuery - tag-cloud.js

An easy-to-use jQuery tag cloud generator that generates animated tags with random weights and random background/text colors from a group of links. 

When hovering over any of the tags, all other tags will dim to highlight the current one. Written in plain JavaScript and CSS. No SVG, Image, and Canvas required.

It was created in the aim to reduce the use of categories while working on websites without having proper taxonomies, with an acceptable level of randomness and avoiding frustration or boredom.

See Also:

How to use it:

1. Download and load the jquery.tag-cloud.js script after jQuery.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/js/jquery.tag-cloud.js"></script>

2. Insert any number of tag links to the tag cloud.

<div class="tag-cloud">
  <a href="#">Tag 1</a> 
  <a href="#">Tag 2</a> 
  <a href="#">Tag 3</a>
  ... more tags here ...

3. Call the function to generate a basic tag cloud.

  // options here

4. Override the default settings to customize the tag cloud.


  // min/max colors
  minColor: "#333",
  maxColor: "#eee",

  // min/max tag size in px
  minSize: 40,
  maxSize: 150,

  // min font size in px
  minFontSize: 12,

  // CSS class for the current tag
  currentClass: "tag-cloud-enter",
  // offset in px
  offset: [0, 0, 0, 0],

  // border-radius property
  radius: "50%",

  // 16 = hex
  // or rgb
  // or rgba
  colorType: 16,

  // config the animation here
  anim: {
    // or 'warp', 'one'
    name: "bomb",
    time: "500",
    delay: "50"

  // background color
  bgColor : "",

  // text color
  color : "",

  // or 'divisor'
  method : "area",

5. Callback functions.


  // on mouseenter
  enter: function(opt, id, pos, posArr, posRc, W, H, opts) {},

  // on mouseleave
  leave: function(opt, id, pos, posArr, rc, W, H, opts) {},

  // on start
  start: function(opts) {},

  // before handling tags
  printing: function(opts) {},

  // after handling tags
  printed: function(opts) {},

  // after events have been attached to the tags
  addEvented: function(opts) {},

  // after the animation has finished
  animed: function(opts) {},

  // after the tag cloud has rendered
  complate: function(opts) {},


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by nostarsnow. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.