jQuery Plugin To Save Webpage As MS Word Document - Googoose

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
jQuery Plugin To Save Webpage As MS Word Document - Googoose

Googoose is a jQuery plugin which uses HTML5 saveAs() to convert complete or selected content of your web page into a Microsoft Word Document and save generated doc file on the client-side.

How to use it:

1. Load the necessary JavaScript libraries in the webpage.

<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/FileSaver.js"></script>

2. Make sure the jQuery Googoose plugin is loaded after jQuery:

<script src="jquery.googoose.js"></script>

3. Add the CSS class 'googoose' to html content.

<div class="googoose">

4. Call the googoose function to save your page as a MS word on page load.


5. Full customization options.


  // default selector of html to wrap the Word doc in
  area: 'div.googoose',

  // used to manufacture headers and footers
  headerfooterid: 'googoose-hdrftrtbl',

  // CSS origins of the Word document
  margins: '1.0in',

  // zoom percentage when the Word document opens
  zoom: '75',

  // the file name to save as
  filename: 'Doc1_' + now + '.doc',

  // size of the Word document
  size: '8.5in 11.0in',

  // display mode to open the Word document in
  display: 'Print',

  //  the language on the page
  lang: 'en-US',

  // determines whether the page should be downloaded as a Word document or displayed as HTML
  download: true,

  // if used by the developer this jQuery selector will translate into a Word table of contents
  toc: 'div.googoose.toc',

  // f used by the developer at this jQuery selector will translate into a Microsoft Word page break
  pagebreak: 'div.googoose.break',

  // the content in this jQuery selector will be put in the Microsoft Word document header
  headerarea: 'div.googoose.header',

  // the content in this jQuery selector will be put in the document footer
  footerarea: 'div.googoose.footer',

  // used solely by the googoose internals
  headerid: 'googoose-header',

  // used solely by the googoose internals
  footerid: 'googoose-footer',

  // CSS margin for the header
  headermargin: '.5in',

  // CSS margin for the footer
  footermargin: '.5in',

  //  generally used in headers and Footers this whole display the current page number
  currentpage: 'span.googoose.currentpage',

  // generally displayed in headers and Footers this jQuery selector when put into the HTML content will display the number of total pages.
  totalpage: 'span.googoose.totalpage',

  // html boundary
  htmlboundary: '--',

  // called after the HTML has been rendered
  finishaction: GG.finish,

  // the root node
  initobj: document



  • Bugfix



  • modifying the base script to chain and work


  • restructured directories and added start of a test


  • made change to decode HTML entities before rendering the word document


  • fixed text rendering of pre elements preserving white spaces, fixed other miscellaneous bugs, did Advanced testing

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by aadel112. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.