Simple jQuery Counter & Timer Plugin - countid

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License: MIT
Simple jQuery Counter & Timer Plugin - countid

countid is a multifunctional jQuery plugin used to create count up and countdown timers for your webpage or web application.


  • Count up or count down to a certain number
  • Count up from or count down to a specified date. E.g. Displays days remaining before a specified date.
  • Execute a callback function when the timer is complete.

How to use it:

1. The countid plugin requires jQuery JavaScript library loaded first in the document.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="countid.js"></script>

2. Create a counter that counts to the number set on an element

<div class='demo-1'>1000</div>

3. Create a countdown timer that uses a number range specified in data attributes.

<div class='demo-2' 

4. Create a countdown clock that display how many days remaining before a given date.

<div class='demo-3'></div>
  clock: true,
  dateTime: date,
  dateTplRemaining: "%S seconds to complete timer",
  dateTplElapsed: "%S seconds elapsed since the timer completion"

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by miso25. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.