jQuery Tooltip Plugins
Download jQuery Simple and Stylish Tooltip Plugins at jQueryScript jQuery Tooltip section. Page 4 .
Dynamic Tooltip Popup Plugin With jQuery And JSON - Texotip
- Tooltip - 3018 ViewsAllows you to create themeable, popup-style tooltips for specific words within the document that dynamically loads tooltip content from an external JSON data file.
Dynamic HTML5 Tooltip Plugin For jQuery - Tooltip.js
- Tooltip - 2205 ViewsTooltip.js is a simple, flexible, dynamic, highly customizable jQuery tooltip plugin which can be implemented via JavaScript or HTML5 'data' attribute.
jQuery Plugin For Getting Wikipedia Description In Tooltips - wikiUp
- Tooltip - 1548 ViewswikiUp is a jQuery plugin which can be used to display Wikipedia descriptions in tooltips.
Basic Any Content Tooltip Plugin With jQuery
- Tooltip - 1586 ViewsA simple yet feature-rich jQuery plugin used to create CSS3 animated, pretty-nice, hover-triggered tooltips from any content types.
Tooltip-style Info Box Popup Plugin For jQuery - infoBox
- Tooltip - 3098 ViewsinfoBox is a small and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating information boxes that add custom annotations to any DOM elements just like the tooltip.
Fully Customizable Tooltip Popup Plugin For jQuery - Tooltipsy
- Tooltip - 2556 ViewsThe Tooltipsy jQuery plugin lets you create highly customizable, easy-to-style tooltips which can be aligned to cursor or any DOM elements.
Easy & User-friendly Tooltip Plugin For jQuery - balloon.js
- Tooltip - 13290 Viewsballoon.js is a jQuery plugin that allows you to easily add User-friendly and fine-tunable tooltips to any element on your page, even without using any CSS and image.
Flexible & Extensible jQuery Tooltip Plugin - Frosty.js
- Tooltip - 676 ViewsFrosty.js is a lightweight, flexible and extensible jQuery tooltip plugin that supports smart position, custom trigger event, arrow indicator, HTML/Text content and much more.
Robust & Extensible Tooltip Plugin For jQuery - myTooltip
- Tooltip - 2564 ViewsmyTooltip is a feature-rich jQuery tooltip plugin for creating animated, highly customizable and extensible bubble popups to enhance your website/application default tooltips.
Easy-to-style Rich Text Tooltip Plugin For jQuery
- Tooltip - 799 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin for creating dynamic, customizable, easy-to-style tooltip popups that support custom trigger events, rich text and all directions .
Lightweight GIF Tooltip Plugin With jQuery - toolgif
- Tooltip - 1515 Viewstoolgif is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin which allows to embed any animated GIFs into a customizable tooltip popup when hover over a given element.
Smart Animated Tooltip Plugin For jQuery - autoTooltip
- Tooltip - 1193 ViewsautoTooltip is a lightweight, smart, animated jQuery tooltip plugin that automatically sets the placement direction according to the position of the element.
Responsive Mobile Navigation Plugin With jQuery - Adaptive Menu
- Tooltip - 3538 ViewsAdaptive Menu is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to create a responsive menu that will auto switches to an off-canvas side navigation on small screens.
Bootstrap Popover Enhancement Plugin with jQuery - WebUI Popover
- Tooltip - 33137 ViewsWebUI Popover is a powerful yet easy jQuery plugin used to extend the Bootstrap popover component with following advanced features.
Easy Lightweight Tooltip Popup Plugin For jQuery - tip.js
- Tooltip - 1635 ViewsJust another jQuery tooltip plugin which helps you attach clean looking tooltips to any DOM elements using HTML5 data attributes.
Basic HTML5 Tooltip Enhancement Plugin With jQuery - TooltyJS
- Tooltip - 554 ViewsTooltyJS is a very small and simple-to-use jQuery & HTML5 tooltip plugin used to enhance & beautify the default browser tooltips.
Robust Configuable Tooltip Popup Plugin For jQuery
- Tooltip - 708 ViewsA robust and highly customizable jQuery tooltip plugin that creates an absolute positioned tooltip-style popup based on the element that toggles it (hide/show).
Custom CSS3 Animated Tooltip Plugin For jQuery - TootleTips
- Tooltip - 744 ViewsTootleTips is a highly customizable jQuery tooltip plugin that supports HTML content and uses CSS3 transitions for the smooth animations.
Easy Customizable Tooltip Plugin For jQuery - Tooltiper.js
- Tooltip - 677 ViewsTooltiper.js is a very small (~2kb minified) yet highly customizable jQuery tooltip plugin used to enhance the native browser tooltips using HTML5 data attributes.
jQuery Plugin For Image Hover Preview With Caption Support - imagepreview
- Tooltip - 8954 Viewsimagepreview is an easy and lightweight jQuery plugin which previews / displays your image in a tooltip-like popup when rolling over a specified element.