Flexible & Extensible jQuery Tooltip Plugin - Frosty.js

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Flexible & Extensible jQuery Tooltip Plugin - Frosty.js

Frosty.js is a lightweight, flexible and extensible jQuery tooltip plugin that supports smart position, custom trigger event, arrow indicator, HTML/Text content and much more.

How to use it:

1. Load the jQuery Frosty.js plugin's stylesheet in the header, and the JavaScript file frosty.min.js after jQuery library like this:

<link href="dist/css/frosty.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="dist/js/frosty.min.js"></script>

2. Initialize the tooltip plugin with default options.


3. By default, the plugin uses element's title attribute to hold your tooltip content.

<span class="has-tip" title="Tooltip Here">Hover Me</span>

4. You can override the default attribute in the JavaScript as this:

  attribute: 'title'

5. If you'd like to show the tooltip on click:

  trigger: 'click'

6. Change the default position of your tooltips.

  position: 'top'

7. The plugin has the ability to auto-reposition when the tooltip is overflowing off the screen. You might need to turn off it in some situations:

  smartReposition: false

8. More configuration options:

  classes: 'tip',
  content: '',
  delay: 0,
  hasArrow: true,
  html: false,
  offset: 10,
  removeTitle: true,
  selector: false

9. You can use the following script to unbind events and remove the tooltips. Useful for cleanup in single page applications.


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by owensbla. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.