Flexible Customizable Tooltip Plugin - jq-tooltip

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License: MIT
Flexible Customizable Tooltip Plugin - jq-tooltip

A lightweight, flexible, customizable and themeable jQuery tooltip plugin that allows displaying multiple tooltips on the same element.

More features:

  • Position options: top, top-left, top-right, right, right-top, right-bottom, bottom, bottom-left, bottom-right, left, left-top, left-bottom.
  • Built-in themes: strawberry, orange, banana, lime, blueberry, cocoa, silver, slate.
  • The tooltip content can be specified in a data attribute or passed as a string.
  • Custom tooltip template.

How to use it:

1. To get started, include jQuery (slim build) and the jq-tooltip plugin's files on the web page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="tooltip.css">
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js" 
<script src="tooltip.js"></script>

2. Activate the tooltip functionality on the element.

  • Update the tooltip on resize.
  • Displays the tooltip on hover.
  • Set the deault tooltip content.
  • Close the tooltip on mouse leave.
var W = $(window);
var PI = $('.item');

W.on('resize', function () {

PI.hover(function () {
    content: 'This is a tooltip',
}, function () {

3. Attach multiple tooltips to an element using the 'data-tooltip' attribute:

<div class="item"
     data-tooltip='[{"content": "Top","position": "top"},{"content": "Right","position": "right"},{"content": "Left 1","position": "left"}]'>
     Hover Me

4. All possible configurations which can be passed via JavaScript or 'data' attribute.

// Template
template: '<div class="jq-tooltip">{content}</div>',

// The content can be specified in an element attribute or passed as a string
content: undefined,

// Positioning
// (top, top-left, top-right, right, right-top, right-bottom, bottom,
// bottom-left, bottom-right, left, left-top, left-bottom)
position: 'top',

// Theme
// (strawberry, orange, banana, lime, blueberry, cocoa, silver, slate)
theme: 'slate',

// The width, if set to 0, will be calculated automatically
width: 0,

// Get parameters from the attribute
attr: true,

// Attribute Name (data-tooltip)
attrID: 'tooltip',

// Gap
gap: 8,

// Name of the custom class
class: undefined,

// ID for stored data (tooltip.data)
dataID: 'tooltip.data'



  • minor update


  • minor improvements


  • JS update

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by callisto2410. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.