10+ New jQuery Plugins You Have To See

by jQuery Script,

Here's our #31 hand-picked collection of 10+ New Free jQuery Plugins with examples we found around the web from last week (14/06/2014-20/06/2014). These jQuery plugins haven't been featured on our website yet I think you might find useful. Have fun with it and remember to spread the word!

jQuery generatepassword

jquery plugin to generate password

jQuery generatepassword

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Card shifting

jQuery plugin to animate a deck of cards. Uses CSS transitions and animations.

jQuery Card shifting

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery PopUpMe

A jQuery plugin for showing simple and beautiful PopUps.

jQuery PopUpMe

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery weekLine

WeekLine is a light jQuery plugin for selecting days of a week. It can be particularly helpful for entering weekly schedules, such as cinema movie and theatrical play times, as well as for scheduling weekly league games and actually anything that is weekly based. The usual date pickers are monthly oriented, but there times where picking dates from the coming week only (or 2) is a more natural and convenient way to schedule. Weekline was initially written for such an occasion and more specifically for cinema and theatre date-time data entry, focusing on increasing data entry’s speed while limiting errors.

jQuery weekLine

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Radio Image Select

This jQuery plugin lets you replace simple, native and boring radio buttons with more attractive ones using images. A live demo can be found below.

jQuery Radio Image Select

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery hashtabber

This is a simple JavaScript plugin for hashchange-driven tabbed navigation system.

jQuery hashtabber

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery jQCloud

jQCloud is a jQuery plugin that builds neat and pure HTML + CSS word clouds and tag clouds that are actually shaped like a cloud (otherwise, why would we call them 'word clouds'?).

jQuery jQCloud

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery typist

Animated text typing.

jQuery typist

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Toddish Popup

A barebones, flexible jQuery popup plugin. Designed for developers, it's simple to use but very powerful.

jQuery Toddish Popup

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery frostyjs

Lightweight, extendable jQuery tooltip plugin.

jQuery frostyjs

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Flat UI Login Form With Tab View

jQuery Flat UI Login Form With Tab View

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Flash Cards

Simple, animated, and imageless flash cards using HTML/CSS/jQuery.

jQuery Flash Cards

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery windows8 animations

Windows-8-like Animations with CSS3 and jQuery

jQuery windows8 animations

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery fn.paginate

$.fn.paginate plugin is a lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to perform pagination on any list or table.

jQuery fn.paginate

[Demo] [Download]