Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #250

by jQueryScript,

Here's the 250th Weekly Web Design & Development Collective that aims to introduce fresh new, trendy and easy-to-use web design & development resources (freebies, codes, graphics, tools, inspiration, etc) from the past week. Have fun with it and remember to share with your friends.

Web Design & Development News: Collective #250


JavaScript fluent validation library.




Rogue.js - a nearly invisible framework for creating server-rendered React applications.

With Rogue, the server rendering configuration will be nearly invisible to you. You don't need a special /pages directory (like Nextjs) or a separate routes.js file (like Afterjs). All you need is the App.js entry point you'd usually have. This means that you can wrap your app in layouts/transitions/providers, etc. the same way you would in a regular React Application, and staying true to React's values, you can organize your code however you like.



Road Orientations Map

A visualization of road orientations for the current map view. Explore the map to see the chart for your city!

Divides 360° into 64 bins and accumulates lengths of road segments with corresponding orientations, then plots the distribution as a polar chart. Two-way roads are counted for both directions.

Road Orientations Map

[Demo] [Download]

Term Sheets

Term sheets is a JavaScript app to produce terminal typing and output animations for embedding in presentations, readmes, tweets, etc. Other solutions usually involve recording a live screen. I wanted a way to simply provide a payload of instructions so I didn't have to rehearse my typing and wait for network output, as well as style it to look nice.

Term Sheets

[Demo] [Download]


A friendly application manager and task runner for React.js.




A web extension that integrates Windows Timeline support into popular browsers.



Isometric eCommerce CSSGrid

Responsive eCommerce layout using CSS Grid

Isometric eCommerce CSSGrid

[Demo] [Download]

Gliding Gallery

Simple Image Slider Transitions.

Gliding Gallery

[Demo] [Download]


RAMD or Render - Add - Modify - Delete is minimal 0.65 kb library for making simple list projects. Everything is based on the "simplified virtual DOM" that is basically JavaScript Object listing the essential element properties. This Object acts like internal DB that can be stored locally or send to the server. The importance of the "virtualdom" vs DOM is not about the speed but rather ease of use and storage.


[Demo] [Download]


Your Own Url Shortner Without any fancy server side processing and support for custom url[beta] , which can even be hosted on GitHub Pages.


[Demo] [Download]


Javascript On-screen Virtual Keyboard - Customizable, responsive and lightweight.


[Demo] [Download]


RFS (abbreviation for responsive font size) is an algorithm which automatically calculates the appropriate font size based on the dimensions of the monitor or device.




Property based testing framework for JavaScript (like QuickCheck) written in TypeScript.




A simple responsive CSS Menu library. JMenu requires no Javascript and it's easy to customize.


[Demo] [Download]


Full featured image editor using HTML5 Canvas. It's easy to use and provides powerful filters.


[Demo] [Download]

10 Essential WordPress Plugins For WooCommerce

10 Essential Wordpress WooCommerce Plugins For Online Stores.

10 Essential WordPress Plugins For WooCommerce



A beautiful Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard templates pack.


[Demo] [Download]

Bacotu Free Typeface

Bacotu is a display typeface inspired by chessboard of Chinese Chess. It's light stroke, square and rounded. Perfectly suited for short paragraph, logo, poster and any display use. Bacotu has supported for Vietnamese and many other Latin languages.

Bacotu Free Typeface
